Private Market Research Companies example essay topic

957 words
1 I., . by, . The customers can pay their household accounts by electronic transfer. The household accounts can be laid by the customers by electronic transfer 1. The insurance company pays compensation in case of a natural disaster. Compensation is paid by the insurance company compensation in case of a natural disaster. 2.

We have promoted our goods and services on the points of sale throughout the year. Our goods and services have been promoted on the points of sale throughout the year. 3. My friend has just advised me to deposit my savings with a bank. I have been advised by my friend to deposit my savings with a bank.

4. They are repairing my car now. I can't drive it. My car is being repaired.

It can't be driven. 5. We had already reached the decision before the general discussion began. The decision had been already reached before the general discussion began 6. The customers bought there articles during the sale. We can't exchange them.

Articles was bought by the customers during the sale. It can't be exchanged them. II., . 1. The results were completely wrong as a scientist she should have planned the experiment more carefully. 2.

The personnel director might have chosen Mike for the job, he looked happy after the interview. 3. The firm must have become bankrupt, it is selling out its shares. 4. He couldn't have taken part in the negotiations. He was on a business trip at that time.

5. Let' go and discuss the problem with Mike. He must have finished working by now. ., , (.) 1. Impressed by Alan's work, the manager extended his contract for year. 2.

Being unemployed, Dave had time to consider what job he really wanted. 3. The consumers usually study the quality of goods offered by foreign producers at a particular market. 4.

Knowing exactly what I wanted, I didn't spend much time shopping. 5. Unless properly packed, the goods won't attract the customers and sell well. 6. Having established the main values of the company, the members of the Board passed over to the discussion of the short-term objectives. IV., , 1.) If more users were connected to computer networks, e-commerce would develop more rapidly. 2. b) The company would achieve a higher sales level, if the retail price was decreased. 3. a) Unless experienced managers were hired, such a big corporation would not run business so successfully. 4. b) If governments reduced restrictions and tariffs, it would promote the expansion of world trade. 5. a) If the enterprise applied innovations more effectively, its profits would rise. b) If the enterprise had applied innovations more effectively, its profits would have risen. V., , .

: The variety of goods that a company produces or sells a) rank b) range c) choice a company which sells goods to another company a) customer b) retailer c) supplier a charge paid to a person or a bank for the money borrowed a) loan b) rent c) interest a person who reports to you a) supervisor b) subordinate c) leader 4. a group of people that might buy the company's goods a) competitive market) local market) target market 5. a sudden collapse a) bomb) rise) crash 6. payment to a person after injury a) benefits) compensation) incentive 7. a person responsible for promotion and distribution of the company's goods as well as for market research a) production managers) marketing manager c) sales manager VI... Market Research It is impossible to develop and... 1... product solely on the basis of... 2... That's much too risky. You can't just trust the intuition of senior managers or product managers; you have to do market research.

We collect and... 3... information about the size of potential market, about consumers' tastes and... 4... , their reactions to particular product features, packaging features, and so on. Lots of people think that market research just means going out and asking consumers for their... 5... of products, but that's not true. tull, talking to customers is relatively minor market research tl, because it's very expensive. In fact, personal interviewing is the very last thing we'd do. We usually find that our own... 6... which keeps records of sales, orders, and so on, is far more important source of information. Our sales representatives are another good source. There are also lot of printed sources of secondary... 7... we can use, including daily, weekly and monthly business newspapers, magazines and trade journals, our competitors... 8... reports, official government... 9... , and reports published by private market research companies.

We... 10... data from customers, middlemen, and so on, if both internal research (analysis of data already available in the accounts and sales departments) and secondary data (available in printed sources) are inadequate. lf we do go out and do field work it's usually survey, which you can use to collect information about product and... 11... features, and to measure the effectiveness of advertising copy, advertising media, sales... 12... distribution channels, and so on. 3 Analyse, 8 annual, 6 data, 10 gather, 12 guesswork, 4 habits, 2 accounts department, 1 launch, 7 opinions, 5 packaging, 11 promotions, 9 statistics: 1. to develop and launch a product 2. the consumers' tastes and habits 3. to keep records of sales 4. to gather data 5. to do a survey 6. advertising media.