Public School And My Last Name example essay topic

417 words
My name is Mandy L. Wolf I live in Hollywood California. I was born on June 19th 1987 in Flint Michigan. I am 13 years old. I have 3 siblings, my twin sister Manda and my big brother Edward my little sister Kyle a.

I have 2 dogs Bruno (a german shepard) and sam (a scott dog). I really love mountain climbing and I want to become an actress when I'm older. When I was 7 I skipped 2 grades up to 4th grade and I was teased often because of how little and smart I was. now I am going into 10th grade, and I'm teased as much but I do get picked on a little. My father is an actor and my mother is an actress. My mom and dad are divorced now and have been since I was 3. I dont know much about my dad besides he is a famous actor.

I dont even know his name. My mother is Carrie Fisher and she kinda split on me also. I'm always stuck at home by myself and she takes my little sister with her everywhere. My older brother is my half brother he is my father's son.

I'm not sure who his mother is. When I was young my mother didnt tell anyone about me and my sister, it sort of upset me when my little sister was born because she made a big public statement about it. But I know she loves me even if she leaved me at home all the time by myself. I go to public school and my last name is Reynolds like my grandmother. There is no Fisher found in my name at all. After my dad left my mother changed my last name completely and hid my birth certificate so I could ent find it.

I can understand that, in a way. I know my brothers last name is Curtis but I don't know any Curtis's that are famous. I think that I'll never find out who my real dad is. My twin sister and I are identical we go to the same school and do the same things, she wants to be an actress also so it really neat because we share the same dreams. Well Mrs. Shugart I hope you like my auto-biography.

Thank you all and good night.