Pupil In The Middle Gets The Ball example essay topic

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Unit Plan Activity Key Stage Year No. of Lessons Lesson Duration Netball Key stage 3 7 10 70 mins Previous Learning Experience Unit Aims (plus Literacy, Numeracy, Key Skills and Citizenship) Past experiences of invasion games at Key Stage 2 from feeder primary schools. Basic K + U of the rules used in invasion games. To increase pupils knowledge, skills and understanding of the principles of invasion games. To give the pupils knowledge and understanding of the rules used in the specific activities. To give the pupils knowledge of different tactics that can be used in a game situation.

To improve each child's level of fitness. To improve body co-ordination and reaction times. To improve social development. Risk Assessment (should link to SEN) Safety Ensure that children are using the equipment safely and with respect. Ensure that all children are treating each other with respect. Correct clothing worn, laces tied, hair tied back.

The sports hall cleared for any foreign objects. No chewing. All medication in to the teacher. Awareness of others when balls in use. Resources (including ICT) SEN and Able Pupils Sports hall.

31 netball, 5 softballs. Four different colour sets of bibs. Video and television. Task cards. Clare Firth (asthma). Angela Mckibben (Type 2 diabetes).

Laura Khan (Visually impaired). Progressive Stages of Intended Learning Objectives (General). Progressive Stage WHY WHAT HOW K, S+U Objectives (A+D, S+A, E+I, H+F) Content Teaching Strategies Assessment Strategies Rules and scoring system. A+D = follow and then understand rules. S+A = Use equipment safely for a purpose. E+I = play, use and understand cause and effect games H+F = Give out handouts with basic requirements of the game.

Demonstrations. Command Practice Q+A Communication. A+D = develop their listening skills and the ability to collaborate with others and share ideas when exploring different options and possibilities. S+A = appreciate and acknowledge others' good work. Explore and improve the quality of group work and the monitoring and recording of their own progress. E+I = become aware of the needs of others.

H+F = Talk to pupils as a group and individually. Don't single any one out. Give them encouragement at all times. Encourage group work with different sized groups. Self check Inclusion Divergent Observation Q+A - open and closed Listening Ball familiarization. A+D = K + U of ball, what it does.

S+A = receive, pass, where to, how strong. E+I = receiving the pass, quality of pass. H+F = understand the importance of getting ready for, and recovering from, exercise and activity. Ball each.

Get the feel for the ball. See how it bounces when dropped from different heights. 1 ball between 2. How to catch it correctly. Throwing and catching form different heights and positions.

Command Practice Self check Guided discovery (Convergent) Inclusion Observation Q+A - open and closed Record Body co-ordination. A+D = develop co-ordination and control of their bodies and increase the range of gross and fine skills and movements. S+A = perform then combine and sequence of actions and change their performance. E+I = explore, develop and establish basic movement patterns and actions. H+F = become aware of the range of activities, including exercise and movement, necessary for their own health and personal wellbeing Hand and eye co-ordination with the ball. Hand and eye co-ordination to send and receive the ball to others around them.

Use a bigger ball if they are having difficulty catching it. Use a brighter ball for Laura if she has problems seeing it. Give them different tasks, a range of different movements. Practice Reciprocal Self check Guided discovery (Convergent) Observation Q+A - open and closed Record Feeding and receiving. A+D = combine and then sequence movements, linking them fluently.

S+A = make choices about what to do and how to do it. E+I = improve their personal best and develop ideas further. H+F = Combine different movements with one another. Gradually progress from static movements to moving with the ball. Practice Problem solving Self check Guided discovery (Convergent) Inclusion Observation Q+A - open and closed Targets. A+D = feel and accuracy.

S+A = aware of space E+I = improve the quality of their own performance and presentation H+F = Pair up pupils with same ability. Practice the action close up then gradually move further away, making it more difficult. Don't rush pupils into moving further away before they are ready. Give them a target to reach before progressing on. Practice Problem solving Self check Guided discovery (Convergent) Observation Q+A - open and closed Lesson Plan Year Group: 7 Length of Lesson: 60 mins Lesson Number: 1 Key Stage Input: KS 3 No. of Pupils: B: 15 G: 15 Area of Activity: Games Category: Invasion Activity: Netball Lesson Objectives Affective Pupils will be given the opportunity to have different roles throughout the lesson i.e. become a feeder, defender, attacker etc. Pupils will become confident within themselves, by having a good experience of netball and gaining positive feedback from others around them.

Cognitive Pupils will develop the knowledge for safety in relation to the equipment used and the space around them. Pupils will acquire and develop the ability to throw and catch a ball from different heights and positions. Social Pupils will interact with each other in pairs and in groups. Pupils will develop communication skills. Pupils will learn to give and receive constructive feedback to one another. Physical: Pupils will develop a basic knowledge and understanding of the principles of netball.

Children will start to improve their level of fitness. Pupils will start to improve their own body co-ordination, hand and eye co-ordination and reaction time. Differentiation / Achievement: covering 'knowledge and understanding' - K+U, A+D, S+A, E+I, H+F): SEN Pupils: The use of a larger brighter colour ball. Give specific tasks out to Clare if her Asthma effects her in any way i.e. marking a game. Level 4 (All): Will develop a basic K + U of the principles and rules of netball. Begin to feel confident and co-ordinated in their ability to move and produce actions that link together.

They will understand the importance of safety for themselves and others around them. Level 5 (Most): Will start to improve their fitness level. Most pupils will understand and be confident in using the activity - related language. Most pupils will be confident in performing the skills on their own with little help.

Level 6 (Some): Pupils will be able to demon-straight an action / movement infront of the class with great confidence. They will be able to give feedback to others around them to help them improve their performance. Resources: Sports Hall, 31 netball's, 5 soft balls, and cones, 4 different coloured sets of bibs. Timing Activity and Differentiation Teaching / Learning Points and (Language) Organisation and (Teaching Strategy) Assessment (Specific and Differentiated) 10 mins Arrive and change. Jewellery off, hair tied back, laces tied, no chewing.

All medicine into the teacher. All pupils into the sports hall sat down onto the benches. Correct uniform worn. Safety. Encourage speed in getting changed. Ensure all pupils are in the sports hall for the target time.

Female teacher organises the girls. Male teacher organises the boys. (Command) Observe the behaviour of the children. 5 mins Intro Register is done.

Introduction. Give quick briefing on what the lesson objectives are to the children. Recap the principles and skills learnt at primary school for invasion games. Mention the outcomes we will be addressing today. Indicate that this lesson serves as a lead-up to other lessons. Sat down on benches that are already set out in 1 corner of the hall.

Teacher stands up at the front. Pupils may demonstrate or answer questions. (Command and Inclusion) Questions and answers on the basic principles and skills of invasion games. (Informative) 2 mins Intro to teacher and each other Getting to know the pupils and getting them to know each other. Teacher stood in the middle of the circle. If everyone is not getting involved change the topic i.e. what colour hair etc.

Stand in a circle, teacher shouts out a letter, if its in their name they swap with someone whilst telling the person their name. X = teacher. (Command and Inclusion) Q to the pupils Pupils giving A. Observe them. (Record) 2 mins Warm up Use relays (6 teams of 5). Stretch upper and lower body. Watch to see how pupils interact with each other.

Observe fitness levels of all children. Use 1/3 of the netball court. Each team runs there and back with a ball passes the ball to the next team member. When everyone has ran team sits down in a line. 1st team to do so wins. (Command, inclusion) Observation 2 mins Warm up Tag game.

Again watch to see how pupils interact with each other. Observation of space and getting free from other team. Get pupils into 4 even teams. Each team has specific coloured bibs. Each player has a bib tucked into his or her shorts at the back. 2 teams in 1/3 of a court, it goes for the other 2 teams.

1 team tries to get the bibs from the other team. (Command, inclusion) Use of observation to determine fair play and teamwork. (Record) 2 mins Mini game Mini game. Vary the limitations according to the way the lesson is going.

Use large balls to start off with. Trying to get free. Throwing and catching. Still in the same teams and bibs.

One team has the ball while the other try to get it off them. If they are successful they swap over. Start with no limitations or boundaries (just the court size), for a team to be able to score they have to pass the ball to every player in their team. (practice, self check) Use of observation to determine fair play and teamwork. (Record) 2 mins (1) Ball familiarity Throwing and catching the ball. Ball each.

Throw ball different height's. Catch ball in different positions. Flick fingers. Pupils stand in own space in 1/3 of the court. Play a little game i.e. throw the ball and touch the floor before you catch it again etc. (command, practice, divergent) Use of observation. Q+A on how to catch a ball correctly etc.

(Record) 2 mins co-ordination Basic aiming. Start off close to the hoop, and then gradually move back as the player becomes more accurate. ball Hoop P 1 P 2 P 2 throws the ball over P 1 head trying to get the ball in the hoop. P 1 has their back to P 2. P 1 could have their arms up to give the extra height. (practice, reciprocal, self check) Use of observation. Q+A on aiming.

(Record) 2 mins (2) Ball familiarity Piggy in the middle. Looking for space, speed and communication. In threes. 2 V's 1 when the pupil in the middle gets the ball they swap with who ever passed the ball last, keep swapping around. (practice, reciprocal, inclusion) Use of observation. Q+A to each team to see how they are getting on. (Formative feedback) 2 mins (4) Ball familiarity Beat the ball.

Quickly get pupils into three's with someone their comfortable working with. 1 ball between 3 Looking for speed, reaction time, Throwing and catching the ball. Swap over the worker so each pupil has a go at trying to beat the ball. P 1 P 4 Ball - P 2 P 3 P = pupils = direction of ball P 4 has to run round the other 3 players whilst the ball is being passed amongst the players. P 1 has to get back to the player who started off with it. (practice, reciprocal, inclusion, guided discovery) Observe teamwork, and the encouragement they give each other. (Formative feedback) 5 mins mini game Scoring with out a post Get pupils into their teams.

Set out boundaries to pupils. Concentrate on the passing for now; don't worry too much about the footwork that's involved. Look for space and communication skills. T 2 T 1 T 3 T 1 T 3 T 2 Two per team. T = team. Pass the ball between each other.

P 1 scores at P 3 end of the court, vice versa. P 1 and P 3 can use P 2 to help pass the ball. P 2 are not allowed on court, they help the team who has the ball. Once scored swap over with team at the side. Q+A on communication. Observe teamwork.

(Record) 5 mins mini game Scoring without a post - variation using different teams. Same game principles as before but three per team. Get pupils working with pupils that they feel comfortable working with, but haven't worked with them before. Still concentrating on different passes. T 1 T 2 T 1 T 2 T 1 T 2 Three per team.

Same game as before, but three per team. (inclusion) Q+A on communication. Observe teamwork. (Record report back) 5 mins cool down Lightly stretching, gentle activity. Cooling the body, quietening the pupils down, relaxing them. Pupils mirror teacher. Working in own space around the teacher.

(Command) Q / A on what they have learnt / understood about today's lesson. Give feedback. (Informative) 5 mins conclusion Follow on from Q / A in cool down. Give feedback to pupils about toady's lesson.

Brief outline on next lesson. Ask questions, let them ask you, say what was good, ask who enjoyed it. Basic outline on progression to next lesson. Pupils sat down on benches from before. Teacher stood at the front.

(Command) Q / A open and closed on points of lesson. (Self check, record and report) 5 mins equipment away Putting equipment away in the correct order. Ensure safety. No rushing around trying to get away. Get pupils to help one another. Equipment handled with care.

Give each team of pupils a job to do, so everyone is involved. No one goes until everything is away. (Command, inclusion) Observe pupil's enthusiasm - willing to help out and help each other. (Record and report) 5 mins change and go Return all jewellery, medicine etc. Check uniform.

Check changing room is tidy. Back into changing rooms. No running / pushing. Keep the noise to the minimum.

Que. up outside the changing room, leave when bell goes. (Command) Ask informative Q to pupils about themselves. What they would like to do in future lessons. (Informative and record)


BOOKS Edwards, P Netball Today Great Britain. and Campbell, S (1981) VIDEOS AENA Basic Skills Coaching Series 1 AENA Netball for the Under Twelve's Coaching Series 3 JOURNALS The Bulletin of Physical Education (BA ALPE) WEB SITES web web web web.