Rain Forests example essay topic

368 words
When the world was first created, rain forests covered 14% of the world's total land area. A century ago, the percentage of rain forests that covered the land totaled 12%. Now, a century later, in the year 2003, only 6% of the world is covered in rain forests. Why is it that the rain forests are being destroyed at such a rapid pace?

The loss of rain forests would be very devastating to the human race. The rain forests are home to more than half of the world's total species of plants, animals, and microorganisms. According to scientists, we are losing 137 species each day through the deforestation of the rain forest. Additionally, more than 80% of an average human's diet is located in the rain forest. Without the rain forest, the damage done would be unimaginable. The rain forest also provides many different cures for deadly diseases.

It is also the source of a medicine that fights cancer. Even so, only 1% of the rain forest's plants have been tested for use in medical situations. Destroying the rain forest would be the same as destroying plenty of cures for medical diseases. Lastly, the rain forests provide the highest concentration of plants in the world. They provide more than 20% of the world's oxygen. They have been nicknamed the "Lungs of our Planet".

If the rain forests continue to provide us with such benefits, why is it being destroyed? Every day, trees are being cut down, right in front of many natives of the rain forest. They use it for lumber, paper, and many other things. Industrialists also believe that there is oil in the rain forest, so they continuously drill for it, obliterating the land. Yet they do not realize that they are destroying the rain forest by doing this. The rain forest is one of the most important things in our lives.

It will benefit us with many things in the future. Without it, life would be drastically different. But the rain forest is continuously being destroyed. Why is this? web.