Rainbow Randolph And Smoochy Run Their Show example essay topic

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Danny Devito, the mastermind behind "Throw Momma From The Train", might be more slightly of his rocket than "Death To Smoochy" villain, Rainbow Randolph Smiley (Robin Williams). However that could be just what the doctor ordered. Barney fans steer clear of this dark demented comedy. "Death To Smoochy" is like nothing ever before put on the silver screen. Childhood hero, Rainbow Randolph is busted by the Feds for trying to take bribes from parents whose kids watch his show. Kid Net executives, Frank Stokes (Jon Stewart - The Daily Show) and Nora Wells (Catherine Keener) are faced with the task of finding a replacement, FAST!

Sent with guidelines to find someone "squeaky clean" Nora sets off to find Sheldon Mopes (Edward Norton), who's only gig as Smoochy, is to play motivational songs (self written) for doped up drug addicts at a local clinic. Don't be fooled by the bright colors, the fuzzy animals and all the kids, this is not a kids movie, just ask Robin Williams, that's if you can get him to say a sentence or two with out using the f word. Sheldon Mopes (tree hugging, tofu eating Smoochy), seeing his shot at the big time, gladly takes up the task as Kid Net's replacement for a disturbed and lost Rainbow Randolph. An innocent and untainted Mopes soon learns the darkness and corruption that consumes Kid Net and the children's television programing industry.

Feeling like a puppet, Sheldon hires, Burke (Danny Devito), a seasoned talent agent, who's in no way a stranger to the shenanigans of Kid Net executives. Granted full creative and executive power over The Smoochy Show, Sheldon butts heads with Nora Wells, the sexy vice president of Kid Net. Pushing his weight around, Sheldon develops ideas for healthy and educational food products and toys for his Smoochy product line. Meanwhile Randolph, drunk and homeless devises his plan to get even with Smoochy. Unbeknownst to both Sheldon and Nora, Frank Stokes is secretly working for mobster Merv Green who fronts his operation with a charity that gives to children.

The duo works with Burke (Sheldon's agent) and devises a plan to get Sheldon to agree to a gig that would go against everything Sheldon has worked towards. This gig would make Smoochy the epitome of all sell outs. The trio put the plan into action, and vowed to get Sheldon Mopes to do the unthinkable, SMOOCHY ON ICE. Merely by gesture of kindness, Sheldon befriends the once great boxer, Spinner Dunn (Michael Ris poli). Spinner's cousin, Irish mobster Tommy Cotter (Pam Ferris) gets Spinner a spot on The Smoochy Show, and as a sign of good faith, plays as Sheldon's guardian angel.

If Sheldon didn't have enough problems with Merv and his henchmen, Rainbow Randolph frames Smoochy by tricking Sheldon into doing a gig for a neo-nazi white supremacy rally. If things couldn't possibly get any worse, Merv Green decides that the "purple rhinoceros" has become too powerful and must be stopped. Merv puts a hit out on Smoochy's life. Spinner, playing the part of Smoochy's cousin, Smoochy on the show, is mistaken for Smoochy and is killed.

Once its seems as though all hell has broken lose, things start to tidy up. Nora finds out that Randolph framed Smoochy, and Tommy Cotter figures out that Merv, Burke, and Stokes put the hit on Smoochy. Even though Nora fears for Sheldon's life and the murderers had not been caught, the show must go on, and Sheldon must run his own unadulterated version of Smoochy On Ice, complete with sodium free pretzels, orange juice and soy protein snacks. Rainbow Randolph decides all is forgiven and saves the day by foiling the attempted assassination of Smoochy.

The movie ends in the true love story fashion; Rainbow Randolph and Smoochy run their show together and end with a lovely dance number to Jackie Wilson's timeless classic "You Love Lifts Me Higher and Higher" A parody of this caliber was long over due. Saturday Night Live missed the boat on a chance to poke fun at children's programming. Since Mr. Sheldon Mopes is set on his good morals, don't hold your breath for the Celebrity Death Match between Smoochy and Barney. Go see the movie.