Relative Clarity example essay topic
Such disjunction of body parts challenged the standards by which the human body had been constructed before. In synchronicity, the background elements of draperies and wall were fragmented, aligned with the figural handling. 2. PLANE (SPACE BUL IT UP OF SEMI-INDEPENDENT PLANES) vs. RECESSION (UNIFIED BY DIAGONAL PLANES) It is quite difficult to determine whether Les Demoiselles should be categorized as the plane or recession option for the following reasons: Picasso shifted the point of view at will heads, noses and eyes are seen simultaneously in profile and full front. In other words, the vision of the spectator is enlarged to include a number of different views.
As thought they were moving form point to point, looking up then down. Modern studies of perception have shown that this is the way one forms a visual image of an object. Not from one fixed all encompassing glance, but from an infinite number of momentary glimpses, formulated and unified into a whole by the spectators mind. Cub is introduced into painting not only a new kind of space, but also another dimension, time.
Therefore one may conclude that Les Demoiselles is neither built up of semi-independent planes nor unified by diagonals. 3. ABSOULTE CLARITY (DESCRIBED OBJECTS) vs. RELATIVE CLARITY (SUGGESTED OBJECTS) It is also quite difficult to determine whether this painting depicts absolute clarity or relative clarity. One might suggest that Les Demoiselles demonstrates absolute clarity since all objects are in plane sight, meaning none of the figures / objects are clouded by shadow. Yet, relative clarity is also suggested. Although the figures / objects may easily be viewed, it can, at times be hard to determine what exactly is being observed, (ie. drapery) 4.
COLOUR + LIGHT ADHERES TO FROM vs. COLOUR + LIGHT IS COLOUR REFRACTED / REFLECTED There is no suggestion of either light or shadow, with the exception of the figure in the upper right corner who appears to be engulfed in shadow. 5. POTENTIALLY LIMITLESS TIME vs. SINGLE DRAMATIC MOMENT Since Les Demoiselles depicts a brothel scene one would assume that a series a lounging nude females would be common place, therefore depicting a potentially limitless period of time.