Report On Alberti Davinchi And Michelangelo example essay topic

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Alberti Davinchi And Michelangelo Alberti Davinchi And Michelangelo Essay, Research Paper I am doing a report on Alberti Davinchi and Michelangelo. In this we hope to demonstrate the change or development of art in the Renaisance. We used Alberti's writing Davinchi's writing and artwork, and Michelangelo's artwork and life. We will do so in the following order: Alberti, Davinchi, and Michelangelo.

Alberti Leon Battista Alberti was born in Gene on February 14, 1401. He was the son of Lorenzo Alberti who belonged to one of the most prominent and oldest families in Florentine. He studied at the school of the famous Humanist Gaspari no Barzizza in Padua. Later, he went to the University of Bologna where he wrote the Latin comedy Philodoxeus. While in Rome he took a trip with Cardinal Albergati and became secretary if the patriarch of Grado. Later in his life he wrote a series of three book called Della Famiglia or in the family which concerned domestic life and the education of kids.

Then he wrote a forth book on family and friendship, which wasn t very popular. He accompanied Pope Eugenius the forth to Florence because of conflict the Pops had in Rome, at that time Flourence was the capital of the art world. There he met Donatello and Brunelleschi who helped him get an understanding of art, with their help he wrote De Pictur a, which included 3-d paintings, which were important, because art was really plain at the time. Then he went into architecture in 1438, when he did the arch in Ferrer a in classical Roman form. The pope to help in the reconstruction at St Peter's Cathedral and the Vatican Palace later approached him. Later on he wrote 10 books on the architecture De re aedificatoria.

HE did smaller architectural projects and then he died. Davinchi The works of Leonardo (1452-1519) his drawings, paintings, sculpture inventions, and copious writings-exemplify the Renaissance spirit. Leonardo examined objects in all their diversity and represented them realistically. Truth was attained when the artist brought both human reason and human creative capacity to bear on the direct experiences of the senses. Leonardo carried a notebook in his pocket wherever he went. Many of these books are lost but dozens have been preserved, and contain evidence of the extraordinary life of an extraordinary person.

The pages are crowded with notes and sketches of real people and of imaginary people. These pages also contain pictures of dragons and monsters; plans of churches and palaces; diagrams of machines and weapons of war; musical instruments; trees, plants, flowers, etc. One of Leonardo's most famous paintings was his Self Portrait which he had painted by himself. Leonardo's notebook sketches reveal his deep interest in flight. His idea for what a parachute and a fling machine are among dozens of drawings on the subject. He was so fascinated with flight that the result was a short book On the Flight of Birds.

The most popular Leonardo painting Mona Lisa was painted in 1503-1507. It is a portrait of a lady seen against the distant view of Alpine landscape. A lot of people have made guesses as to who this lady is but no one is really certain. Throughout his lifetime Leonardo sought out to group the unity that he felt underlies the diversity that we see around us. Leonardo spent his life in the birthplace of the Renaissance. During his lifetime, Columbus completed his voyages, Vasco De Gama rounded the Cape Of Good Hope to reach India, Magellan circumnavigated the globe and Leonardo's friend Vespucci reached the Atlantic shore and named it America.

And finally through his art, Leonardo helped lay the foundations of modern science. Michelangelo Michelangelo was born in 1475, his mom died when he was little. He was sent to live with Stonecutter. Father took him back when he was 10, he told him to forget about painting sent by stonecutter to live with artist who got him discovered. A person from a castle took him to the castle to learn more of art cause they saw talent in him. Michelangelo was soon hired to build a statue of a brave man, David, to symbolize courage.

The Grand Council of the Republic of Flourence at 1501. He sculpted David because David was a frequently used figure of courage and strength. He defeated the evil giant Goliath and was portrayed as the composer of the Hebrew psalms the model of Christian Kingship and the ancestor of Christ. David took two years to sculpt and is the first fully naked athletic youth in the classical style created since the end of the first Roman Empire. Michelangelo's masterpiece embodies the new ideas of the Renaissance glorify not only the human sprit, but also the human body and mind as well. In conclusion these 3 artists / pioneers did a lot for the Renaissance.

Some of the things they did were controversial, others are still some of the most famous works almost 500 years after their completion. 34 a.