Responsible Decision Making Model example essay topic

825 words
Running Head: Decision-Making Model Decision-Making Model Analysis PaperAnonymousUniversity of Phoenix This was posted on 8/9/05 There are several decision-making models to choose from in any given situation. Some of these models available on the Internet are the Responsible Decision-Making Model, the Ethical Decision-Making Model, the Ethics Toolkit PLUS Model, the Vigilant Decision-Maker Process, and some basic ones as well. In general, all decision-making models are the processes we use to make well-thought out decisions. There are three major elements of all decision-making models.

These three elements are: how are criteria determined, how are alternatives generated, and how are alternatives evaluated against criteria (Scholl, p. 1). In this paper, we will use the Responsible Decision-Making Model to explain how the process works to help us make better decisions. The Responsible Decision-Making Model The Responsible Decision-Making Model is a Power Point presentation that was on the Internet (Scarbo, slides 1-18). There are six steps to this decision-making model.

The first step is to clearly describe the situation either in writing or aloud. The second step is to list any possible solutions to the situation. The third step is to share the list of possible solutions with another responsible person because he or she may have other solutions to add to the list. The fourth step is to carefully evaluate each possible solution using the six criteria. We will look at these six criteria in the next paragraph. The fifth step is to make a final decision on which solution is the best one for the situation.

Finally, the sixth step is to act responsibly and evaluate the results of the outcome from the solution we used to resolve the situation. The Six Criteria for Step Four The six criteria to use in step four of the Responsible Decision-Making Model are as follows (Scarbo, slides 7-8 and 16): Will this decision result in a solution that will: 1) Promote my health and the health of others? 2) Protect my safety and the safety of others? 3) Protect the laws of the community? 4) Shows respect for myself and others?

5) Follows responsibly set guidelines? 6) Demonstrate that I have good character? These six criteria encourage the use of critical thinking to evaluate the possible outcome of each solution. Critical thinking is very important to making better choices in life. When we don't take the time to analyze a situation, we seem to make the wrong decisions for everyone involved. Our Example of this Model To better understand how the Responsible Decision-Making Model works, we will view how it helped Robin Francis make a very important decision.

A few months ago, Robin was working as a switchboard operator for St. Anthony's Medical Center (SAMC) in St. Louis, Missouri. She received an offer to work as a switchboard operator for Jefferson Memorial Hospital (JMH) in Crystal City, Missouri, which is much closer to her home. Robin wanted to weigh the pros and cons of switching jobs before making a final decision. SAMC is an hour away from her home, never has a set schedule, and she was not happy there after four and a half years of service. JMH is fifteen minutes from her home, she would get a set schedule (except during vacations and shortages), and everyone she had ever met from JMH has always been happy and friendly. Robin decided to talk to her mom (Judy) before making her final decision.

Judy told Robin to think about all the money she would save on fuel for her truck, less wear and tear on her truck, and it is much closer to home. Plus, JMH had offered her a little more money to come to work for them. SAMC was unwilling to meet the pay increase offer. Finally, Robin decided to go to work for JMH because she couldn't resist the idea of having a set schedule for a change.

Robin has been with JMH for about three months now. She is very happy that she made the decision to change jobs because her schedule is wonderful, her co-workers are very friendly, and her truck is using much less fuel. Summary and Conclusion This model seems to have helped Robin make a very well-thought out decision that turned out to be the best decision for her. She admits that when she doesn't take the time to use her critical thinking skills, then she seems to make the wrong decisions for herself and everyone else involved in the situation. Robin, also, says that she follows her "gut instincts" as well to make decisions which has never led her astray either. In conclusion, decision-making models combined with critical thinking may be the best way for us all to make our decisions.


Scarbo, Michael. The Responsible Decision-Making Model. A Power Point Presentation. Retrieved August 4, 2005 from web files / slide 0001.
htm Scholl, Richard W., Professor of Management, University of Rhode Island. (Revised October 2, 1999).
Decision Making Models Summary. Retrieved August 4, 2005 from web Making Models.