Results And Successful Sex example essay topic

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A Journey, Not a Destination. Selfish, obdurate, nonsensical brutes, which have strange notions of their superiority – this is an example of an accusation thrown by women at opposite sex. These and alike abuses have gradually lost their power and became a trite expressions. Nevertheless, men, too, have their vulnerable spots. One thing still works to send man's pride stumbling is a hint of their inability to perform.

Why so? What makes it so different from other maladies, which men incur? Men are result oriented and sexual act is not a mere pleasant physical phenomenon, but an act of accomplishment. Men want results and successful sex means that results are, in fact accomplished.

What men often fail to understand is that results orientation takes away many positive aspects from their life. Overzealous to achieve, men do not stop to smell the flowers of their success. Well, they should. Not only this will allow them to avoid the reputation of brutes, but will also make their life more enjoyable. It certainly did not work out in enjoyable fashion for Lysander, who became the laughing stock of the readers. Either due to exhaustive work in the fields with resulting poor stamina, or due to unknown psychological disease, excited shepherd fails to perform in the most decisive moment.

He feels devastated. All the beauty of love- the thrill of a chase, the gaining of Cloris' acceptance- everything is forgotten in a wretched moment of physical dysfunction. So strong was his desire to possess that it fails him, when he wants it the most. Aphra Behn intended and succeeded in showing shepherd as a symbol of one of those rarely advertised man's failures. Marvell is more refined, but certainly not subtle in expressing his lascivious intentions. He tries to laugh at female coyness and unwillingness to give in.

He uses logic and all his charm to convert females to his point. Alas! Neither the twists of witty rhymes, nor the claim to reason can hide the fact that the sole authorial intent is not as much to laugh at woman, as it is to drag her in bed. Marvell seems to have little regard for romance, but wants to get on with the physical part.

Regardless of his intent to show woman as the one who acts silly, the rejection of his hidden message would ultimately show Marvell as the one who is to be pitied. What will happen if the mistress to whom the message is addressed would agree to gratify the poets wish and satisfy his sexual wishes? My guess is that Marvell's interest will significantly dwindle and will ultimately be redirected to something or someone, who presents more challenge. This type of pattern goes far beyond sex for men. How often do men become so obsessed with results that they fail to appreciate all the remarkable things they already have? Instead they rush to set new targets and feel miserable until those targets are met.

After they achieve what they want, they set new ones and on it goes in an evil circle. For some reason it reminds a dogs in a harness being pushed to their limits. The only difference is that men push themselves until there is no more power to go on. "Life is a journey, not a destination', as maxim states. This is the lesson many men have yet to learn There is no destination for Don Quixote. His crazy mind roams, and the actions follow.

In contrast to the heroes of Aphra Behn and Marvell, Don Quixote is not obsessed with finding Dulcinea and having sex with her-she is no more than a part of knowledge bestowed to him by the novels he has read. Don Quixote is after adventures and fun, and he sure gets both. For those who watch him, he is an idiotic anachronism of chivalry and knighthood. Nevertheless, Don Quixote could not care less. Where there are no knights to fight, he fights common people; when no people are available, he fights mills. It does not seem to matter whether he wins or loses his battles- he is happy whether he thrashes his enemies or is lying on the ground heavily bruised and beaten.

The ability to do what he likes is what makes him happy. Like a leaf in a wind, he goes whenever life takes him and has no regard for consequences. Devoid of notion of what is going on in the real world and going with the flow of his vast imagination, he is completely opposite to Behn's shepherd and Marvell's lover, who are fixated on results. Despite the fact that Don Quixote has taken carelessness to the extreme, there is a lot to be learned from him. The way he manages to find the pearls in every day events can certainly be a medicine for those who are fading away under the pressure to achieve. This does not mean one should go as far as to fight mills and do all the other crazy things our hero does.

This also does not mean losing touch with reality and not setting high goals. What this means is that instead of snatching off life's occasional rewards, one should savor every moment of it. Instead of languishing long hours at work, and expecting high promotion, men should enjoy the very experience of learning and going forward. Instead of waiting for those moments of sexual satisfaction, men should find delight in building successful relationships, discovering the best in their partner and experiencing mutual growth. And when in years to come they will look at life, it will not be a set of sporadic movements from one benchmark to another, but a progressive stream of constant learning, growth and improvement that they will see.