Risk Factors For Cervical Cancer example essay topic
BRCA 2 is located on chromosome 13. A woman who inherits a mutation in either of these two genes has an increased risk of both breast and ovarian cancer. That is, the same genetic change results in an increased risk of these two cancers. In some families there is also an increased risk of pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, melanoma, and other cancers, but the risk of these cancers if far lower than the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. 1-2 Another preventative step is to understand how cancer functions. If people can educate themselves about how cancer survives and works, they can take necessary steps to change their lifestyle to prevent cancer.
Cancer is a loss of mitosis, or cell division. Cells begin to divide at an uncontrollable rate, which eventually spreads and eats away at different organs. This loss of mitosis can be attributed to five factors: 1) Oncogenes- normally activate cell division. If it activates at wrong time or place cancer will begin to develop. 2) Tumor Suppressor- gene fails to perform its normal function to suppress tumor formation. a. Example Brca 1 Brca 2 3) Carcinogens- Direct carcinogens such as gasoline or direct exposure to ultraviolet light.
4) Pro carcinogens- safe outside the body, but metabolized into carcinogens inside the body. a. Example: cigarette tar 5) Promotor- Agents that make carcinogens more powerful. a. Example: Alcohol, cigarette tar There has been much debate as to how to prevent and predict different types of cancer including cervical cancer in women. Young age at first intercourse, high number of sexual partners, high parity, cigarette smoking, race, and low socioeconomic status have consistently emerged as significant risk factors for cervical cancer.
3-5 These, however, are linked to sexual behavior and the acquisition of HPV, and, except for smoking, none have consistently been shown to be significant independent risk factors. There has been considerable controversy regarding the association between oral contraceptives and cervical cancer. 6, 7, 8 While E 6 and E 7 HPV oncogene expression can be potentiated by estrogen in laboratory experiments, 6-9 few epidemiologic studies of oral contraceptive use and cervical cancer have been able to control for the fact that women using oral contraceptives tend not to use barrier contraceptives and may have more sexual contacts. A common practice pattern among some clinicians has been to stop oral contraceptives when an abnormal Pap result is reported. This practice can result in unplanned pregnancy just as the patient presents for diagnostic evaluation and management. The instruction to discontinue oral contraceptives also ignores the current understanding of the epidemiology and natural history of the disease.
Cigarette smoking (even passive smoke) has been linked to an increased risk of cervical cancer. 10-13 Interestingly, any observed effect appears to be linked to squamous carcinomas and not adenocarcinomas or adenosquamous carcinomas. 14 The presence of cigarette carcinogens in cervical mucus has been described as a possible biological explanation for the epidemiologic association. 17-19 Cancer is a very difficult disease to cure and it seems as if preventative medicine is the most effective way to stop cancer before it starts.
Education can not only help people lead longer lives, but healthier lives. Education also starts with a person's first teachers; their parents. If parents take time to condition their children to lead a healthy life, such as eating right, exercising and not smoking along with doing even easier things like using sunscreen, they will grown up with good habits, which will help reduce their risk. 1 Assess Your True Risk of Breast Cancer, Patricia T. Kelly, (Henry Holy & Co., NY) 2000 2. Richard A. McCartney M.D. Understanding and Dealing with Cancer 3.
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