Role Of Media In The Philippines Politics example essay topic

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Significance of the study The foregoing research is significant, especially to the media practitioners. They may be able to understand their responsibilities in view of their role in politics which could be defined as affectors of change. Plying this role, provide the media with awesome work, which they must ascertain that they will employ such power not to destroy but create a better government. The study will also serve our political leaders.

These people are the most vulnerable to media attack, hence, knowing that media are constantly observing and analyzing their actuation, it may serve them, if they should do their duties and responsibilities as public servants. They should not let media a cause to expose to public outery and outrage. The general public is another sector that will benefit from this study. It is important to understand that media play and important role in their lives.

Their thinking is largely influence by what they see, heard and read. It is important for them to discern responsible press that they must not be misinformed, and misled. In other words it is important for the public to be as keen as the media. They should know the difference between truth and fallacy.

This study deals mainly with the role of media in position effect, however we limit our discussion on politics. The lack of time present us to have wider perspective, by employing considerable number of samples. This however, did not prevent us to get representatives from three groups in our society; the professional that we are able to make is limited to our respondents of this study. Statement of the problem This research is mainly with concern with the role of media in politics. Hence, its problems includes the following: 1. Does media provides information and news that influence public opinion and thinking?

2. Is political in our country influence by the media? 3. Can media have the power to creates and destroy political careers? 4. Do media influence the people in voting?

These questions needs answers in order to define the role of media in the Philippines Politics. The meaning of mass media People today have the capacity to send and receive messages in man ways. In a broad sense, there are two types of communications: Direct and Indirect. Through speech, genitures and expressions, we directly communicate with one another. Direct communication means using ways which are not face to face, to convey our thoughts and feelings; this type is called mediated communication. Mass media is the miracle in indirect communication.

Telephone and telegraph Lines criss-cross nations. Cables and radios connect us with all countries of the world. Satellite make round the world TV broadcasts possible, and have afforded us the Olympic games, the Championship Boxing fights, the Miss Universe contests, and other international events. The function of this media In the age of Industrial technology, there are dozen and one functions we can mention; however we are limiting ourselves the following important ones.

Some problems of media In all countries, and direct communication is a real problem. For example how many of us would succeed in calling a public official to ask a question about garbage collection, and manage to get a immediate answer or action. Then communication on the national level are considered, we can see how this kind of social interaction problems multiply. Nevertheless, we shall try to mention a few of these problems, which we deem are of paramount importance.

Information, Dissemination, Public opinion; Formation, and Modern Education 1. It disseminates news and all kinds of information: In a rapidly changing world such as ours. The average person can receive international news from the media that bring ten the local news. By news we mean recent events which the public has an interest in knowing. This domestic media rely principally on international wire services. The big five of these are: Reuters (serving 110 nations).

Agence France-Presse (outlets in 104 countries). Pass (for communist countries) Associated Press (7600 outlets in 80 countries). And United States Press international ( 6500 subscribers in 111 countries). These giants agencies have no news paper or broadcast stations of their own. They sell their services to newspapers, TV, radio, and others clients throughout the world. In addition, there are some 178 national or specialized news services.

Aside from the daily newspapers, a second major source of news is radio and TV. In the Philippines we rely mostly on several radio stations, five TV broadcasting networks, and two able TV networks, channels 5 and 13, to give us the latest news and other types of information. Other sources of information are books magazines which have wide dissemination either in their original form or in translation. More than a third of all translated in the world are from English to other languages, followed by Russian, French and German titles, in decreasing order. In our country w have a proliferation of reading materials from high-brow literature, mostly imported from abroad, to the komiks which are said to be the news papers and magazines of the people particularly in the provinces. The average person is kept informed about events ranging from the latest Middle East crisis to the latest gossips in the movie world.

He also gets to know about issues on energy crisis, pollution etc. which often times are hard for him to understand. 2. It influences both public opinion and individual views". By views of opinion " according to Father Pi~non, we mean not only the interpretation and comment on the questions of the day, on the issues of the moment, but also on the themes engaged and will continue to engaged the study and attention of men until the end of time. Public opinion is made up of the viewers held in common by group. Discussion of issues, forms from public opinion and can be seen in election outcomes and opinion polls.

3. It plays an important role in the modern education Educational TV and other audio-visual aids influence both what is taught, and how it is taught. According to Datus Smith Jr". Contact of the best teachers with the mass of the country's pupils should be possible multiplication by electronics and the communication system will be multi media whether for general public or in school use".

He believes hat decrease the need for traditional materials such as printed matter because of the need for consolidating and making permanent the powerful though transitory impact of the lesson received through electronics. Meeting this need for printed matter has been done in the Philippines. 4. It serves as a means of entertainment In the 1970's Filipinos media practitioners particularly in the field of entertainment. Felt they were committed to foster a sense of national consciousness and unity among the people. As a result, we had a decade full of promise for time budding Filipino talents in all fields of artistic endeavor music, painting, poetry, fiction writing, and film making.

Mass media has become a very vital organ of our scanty because in formation is sifted and discussed through this forum. This is not discount the importance of world-of mouth dissemination, but news that placed in the public form gain credibility because they face the test of rebuttal aside from libel suits. This has made the press, the more active agent working with mass media, an important catalyst within the society, as has been often enough said. The introduction of on the spot coverage by radio and TV has given the press even more immediate and stronger impact with the audience brought the audience brought right into the scene. Scope and Delimitation The study deals with the study of the mass media in politics. Its discussion is limited only to the said topic in order to avoid the students to confuse their minds in analyzing the different data of their research.

The negative aspects of media influence will also be covered by this research. The data used in this research are obtained for this various age range of the forty individuals, educational attainment, profession, sex, civil status and creed. Facts obtained from them using the survey method are used as basis for the conclusion of this research.