Roman Catholic Church example essay topic

970 words
Some may ask: why do we make such a fuss over martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation? How and why did this German monk become a lightning rod for change in religion and society in Europe during the Renaissance? People don't understand the significance of the situation and the importance of Martin Luther and his influence with the Protestant Reformation and how this affects us today. Many people back in the 1520's thought of Luther as an insightful church leader and some thought of him as an ecclesiastical terrorist. His work, otherwise known as the ninety-five theses, was thought of as a highly controversial topic among the people of the Roman Catholic Church. Luther's idea changed the world fundamentally and was the flashpoint where ideas and trends which had been smoldering in Europe started people talking and bigger ideas developed.

On All Saints' Day in 1517, Luther, Professor of theology at Wittenberg University in Saxony, posted the ninety-five theses on a church door that began the Protestant Reformation and started a revolution. We have many important historical figures that have somehow made an impressionable and inspirational movement that changed and affects us still today. A man named Martin Luther was thought of as an insightful church leader as well as a freedom fighter to some and a heretic, apostate, profane ecclesiastical terrorist to others. Still some would consider him necessary evil and an unwitting catalyst that set aflame a volatile social and ecclesiastical situation. Luther thought of himself as a simple monk or Christian whose marveled straight-forward stand of conscience had turned him into one of the most talking about people of his time. That simple stand of conscience started an ecclesiastical shock wave that changed the course of western history.

He had a sort of power and contained unique forces that forced most of the Roman Catholic Church to listen to him and reform. His ideas included: Why can't we ask questions, questioning the church's loyalty and honesty with the people. He was peevish and egomaniacal and temperamental and argument al. His single mindedness and enormous elf-confidence taught people to think for themselves and showed them the corrupt church. He had a straight belief in the rightness of his arguments and protested use of indulgences which forgave individual sin which was granted by the pope.

Many actions and ideas from Martin Luther made this German monk become a lightning rod for change in religion and society in Europe during the Renaissance. Not many people of Luther's age could say that they single-handedly change the course of western civilization with religion and actually made a difference in the world. His many unattractive personalities helped him on his journey to show the people of Europe the corruption among the churches and the hypnotizing and influential power the church held over them. Martin Luther was no picture of perfection in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church or of most of Europe, but he did possess certain unique facts and ideas about the Roman Catholic Church that eventually overturned and sabotaged the church and all of its people and showed the followers of the church the truth about their government. Luther's wrote many inspirational works before the ninety-theses.

The Sermon on Good Works was one of the works of Luther. He argued that good works do no benefit the soul; only faith could do that. After he wrote that, things took a turn for the worse, in which Pope Leo declared forty-one articles of Luther's teaching as heretical teachings, and Luther's books were publicly burned in Rome. After this tragedy, Luther became more passionate in his effort to reform the church.

His treatise, "Address to the Christian Nobility of Germany", pressed for the German nation to use military means to force the church to discuss grievances and reform; "A Prelude concerning the Babylon's Captivity of the Church" literally called for clergy in the church to openly revolt against Rome. Luther was demand upon the request of the holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, to appear before the diet of the Holy Roman Empire at Worms in 1521. Luther was only one of the many who were critical of the Roman Catholic Church. The power of Luther's ideas and the enormous influence of his writings made him regarded as the initiator of the Protestant Reformation. He acquired a large following that also had been disgusted by rampant church corruption and unfulfilled by mechanistic religious services. It is important to still talk about martin Luther in the present mostly because he was a most influential inspiration on the world back then.

It still affects us today because everyone in Europe might still be a part of the Roman Catholic Church or apart of the corrupt church and still follow them and still being lied to. As well as everyone knows by this day in age, Martin Luther was an enormous religious influence in the 16th century and still lives on among the new reformed churches of England and of the United States. Luther's ideas became a critical turning point in the history of Western civilization in the 1520's. The power of his ideas and the colossal influence of his writings made regarded him as the initiator of the Protestant Reformation. This German monk became a lightning rod for change in religion and society in Europe during the Renaissance. There are many historical figures that have literally made history with their different ideas and actions, but Martin Luther was one of the greats that was and will always be remembered as that one guy who started the Protestant Reformation.