Rules For Safe Sex example essay topic

646 words
Managing Materialism and Carnality The acquisition of material has been equated with happiness in this country. The majority of Americans believe that wealth and happiness are the same. It is a result of our market economy that encourages consumption and conditions us to think that we need material possessions to be happy. Our materialistic attitudes are a result of the free market economy in this country.

Consumers are taught that they need to have all the things that the businesses are trying to sell. It is true that this desire for things is what drives our economy. The free market has given us great blessings, but it has in some ways also put us on the wrong path -- the path to a selfish, unhappy society. Everyone strive to "fit in" with society. A majority of teenagers are fearful of being different from the people around them. It is only human to judge someone by appearance, therefore teenagers become materialistic.

They feel that in order to "fit in" they need to be competitive in fashion and so on. For instance, a person would not buy a shirt that cost 10 dollars at Target but in turn buy an exact shirt at Guess for 100 dollars. They are not truly buying the shirt; they are purchasing the brand name. Is it necessary for all the desires? Instead of wanting, people should appreciate what they have. There is so much that people want and can not have but the things they do have are neglected.

People are too busy with their appetite for things to see reality. They are blinded with ads of beautiful models in brand name clothing, which draws them to believe they can get the same look and attention if they wear that brand. These wants becomes needs and soon dominates a persons mind to materialism. There are people who do not have a shirt to cover their bodies from the cold and there are people who have more then enough shirts to wear a different one everyday for a year. Donate the extra money to people who are in need instead of buying more of something for leisure. There was a saying "One's trash can be someone else's treasure".

Give away old stuff that is not needed anymore. In turn many others will be thankful for it. Carnality is another subject that gets abused. Managing materialism and carnality hardly ever cross a person's mind. Materialism and carnality are things that people want and desire, thus people do not think of the corrupt side of each issue.

How often does a person question their partner's health history before having sexual intercourse? How often does someone take time to use protection? People tend to let their hormones take control of their mind and suffer the consequences later on. The safest option regarding STDs and sex is total abstinence from all sexual contact. For those who prefer to indulge in sexual contact, there have been devised rules for 'safe sex'. Once the rules for 'safe sex' are frequently practiced, it allows quite acceptable sexual enjoyment in most cases.

Note that even when a person is conscientiously following the recommendations for safe sex, accidents can happen. Condoms can break. Thus, following rules for 'safe sex' does NOT guarantee that a person will not contract STDs. It does, however, greatly reduce the chances.

Take control of everything in life. Once organized, the many issues that are difficult to manage become visible. Think ahead of the consequences before taking charge. It is better to be safe then to regret later on. It's like the saying "better safe then sorry.".