Sales Of Apples Imac example essay topic
1 In a marketing scheme that draws close parallels to his 1984 release of the original Macintosh, Apple CEO Steve Jobs demonstrated his mastery at bringing a product to market. Jobs clear vision of the iMacs critical path schedule, beginning with its dramatic May 6 introduction to the media, generated an excitement that was essential for Apples successful return to the consumer PC market after 14 years. Apple followed up on Jobs initial theatrics; their marketing strategy included an iMac countdown on radio stations nationwide, a giveaway promotion straight out of the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, casting Jobs in the role of Willie Wonka, and a midnight madness sale at major computer retailers on the eve of the iMac release. A $100 million ad campaign, Apples largest ever, was put in place to be sure the iMac buzz continued long after its initial release.
And just what did Steve Jobs and Apple get in return for their flawlessly executed marketing plan Apples stock tripled in value since the iMac unveiling, in the week prior to release, there were 150,000 advance orders for the $1,299 computer, and marketing researches estimate 7% of iMac buyers are converts from Windows-based PC manufacturers. 2 NOTES 1 Jim Carlton, From Apple, a new marketing blitz The Wall Street Journal (August 14, 1998): B 1.2 Scott Thur m, Sales of Apples iMac blossom, retailers say, The Wall Street Journal (August 19, 1998): B 5..