Sayings example essay topic

350 words
Throughout life we have heard many people repeat wise sayings. The majority of the time we don't stop to think about what these sayings really mean. For example, "Those who truly love you and care about you will make you cry". How can you love someone and make them cry?

When I was younger and very rebellious, I would always be disciplined by my mother. She would make sure I was doing the right thing and never getting myself into trouble. I always thought she hated me and never wanted me to have fun. One day I remember I was playing Super Mario on the Nintendo and she told me to turn it off and start doing my homework.

I didn't want to, so I kept on playing. She came in to my room a while later and told me again to turn the game off. She then sat with me at my desk until I was done with all my homework. Afterwards, I turned to her crying and asked her why she was so mean to me; she looked at me and hugged me saying, "Those who love you and care about you will make you cry". My mother cared enough about me and my future to force me to do something I didn't want to do, at the cost of making me cry.

You will find many people throughout your life that will, at one point or another, upset you in some way. Don't think that it is only because they want to upset you, they may be trying to help you in some manner. If someone honestly cares about you and loves you, they will look past upsetting you, and concentrate on making your life better in any way they can. As you can see, not always does someone make you cry because they don't like you and only want to hurt you; every once in a while, you will find someone that makes you cry because they honestly love you.