Scene Neo And Trinity example essay topic

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The Matrix In 1999 directors / writers Larry and Andy Wachowski (Bound) made a dark and often disturbing Science Fiction film, The Matrix. With the production expertise of Joel Silver (Commando, Predator, Lethal Weapon series, and Die Hard series), Andrew Mason (The Crow, Dark City) and Barrie M. Osborne (Face / Off, The Fan, Child's Play), The Matrix is sure to be a favorite among Science Fiction movie fans for years to come. The Matrix won the Oscar award in all four categories it was nominated for; Best Sound, Best Sound Affects Editing, Best Visual Effects, and Best Film Editing. More DVD's of The Matrix were sold then the movie "The Titanic".

The hard work of choreographer Yuen Wo Ping (Iron Monkey, Fists of Legends) make the fight scenes very much in the Hong Kong style of film-making, including the part where one of the fighters taunts the other, by daring them to be aggressive. The music featuring artists like Rob Zombie, Ministry, Deftones, and Monster Magnet, complements the mood of the movie remarkably well. The Matrix is filled with the spectacular visual effects of a science fiction masterpiece, and at the same time has the killer fight scenes that are included in a true action movie. "Have you ever had a dream Neo, that you were so sure was real... what if you were unable to awaken from that dream?

How would you know the difference from the dream world and the real world?" is one of many powerful quotes spouted out by the mysterious Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) throughout The Matrix. This particular quote however, is important to the audience because it serves as a life preserver to those who might get lost in the movie's rather complex plot. It helps establish a common ground with each and every viewer alike in that everybody has had an experience where they couldn't tell if they were dreaming or not. In this apocalyptic science fiction action movie, Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves) is a mild mannered young man, who works as a systems programmer for a respectable software company.

In his spare time Anderson assumes the role of Neo, a computer hacker who is guilty of every computer crime for which there exists a law against. Throughout his Anderson has had strange dreams of unreality, but hasn't been able to figure out their true meaning. He believes the only way to find the answer is to consult an all-powerful computer hacker (the fore mentioned Morpheus) as to the answer to the question. Little did Neo know that Morpheus was seeking him as well? Morpheus sought Neo's help after it was prophesied that Neo is 'the one', a man who will free the human race from the clutches of the matrix.

Upon contacting him, Morpheus tells him that he is right to question his feelings; he offers him a red pill (to discover the truth), or a blue pill (to continue life as normal). After choosing the red pill, Neo is plugged into what Morpheus has referred to as 'The Matrix', a computer-generated reality. Neo now experiences the horror of his actual existence. Mankind has destroyed the earth environmentally 200 years ago, and is being maintained in individual 'bubbles' by octopus-like robots, living a virtual reality of life in 1999. Morpheus, along with his group of human rebels including Neo's love interest Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), train Neo in a variety of fighting styles in order to go up against a group of computer program based agents who control the matrix in human form. Fights in The Matrix also makes the slowing down of the action sequences seem very natural.

At more than one point I was reminded of 'The Force' in Star Wars. The Matrix is also a power that can be manipulated to the hero's advantage. Anderson undergoes Skywalker like training, and these adrenaline pumping, gravity-defying scenes provide great bits of martial arts action, daring stunts, and amazing roof-to-roof leaps. Morpheus is our Yoda, and he has the right amount of wisdom and courage to make the character believable.

All continues to go well as Neo begins to accept the "world that has been pulled over his eyes" until disaster strikes. Cypher (Joe Pantoliano), one of the group of human rebels, decides to side with the agents in order that he may be "plugged" back into the matrix, and be given all that a human inside could have, including riches and fame. Cypher's betrayal results in the loss of Morpheus to the agents, and the deaths of four of the nine remaining rebels. Soon after Morpheus's capture begins the epic battle between Neo and Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving). They fight two battles reminiscent of a classic Rocky flick in which Neo gets beaten around until you would think that he couldn't go on, yet somehow he still comes out on top. These fights contain more of the spectacular gravity breaking action that was seen earlier in the movie, for an equally grand effect.

The Matrix keeps us riveted to the action taking place before our eyes with the characters moving back, and forth from the real world to the world we believe is real. The real world is not a pretty sight. The real world is dark and foreboding. The world The Matrix wants us to believe is real is much how we see our world today. As the rebels are eating dinner in their underground ship in one scene in the movie, Neo asks what they are eating because it looks like mush, and one of the rebels reply's " It's suppose to be chicken. I wonder how the computers know what chicken tastes like?

How do they know that chicken doesn't taste like hamburger?" It was one of several parts in the movie that made me stop and think what if our world we know is really something like The Matrix. Aside from the before mentioned fight scenes, there is one action sequence alone which makes this movie worth watching. In this scene Neo and Trinity are trying to rescue Morpheus from the agents, as they unload thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammo into dozens of S.W.A.T. team members in the lobby of a building. This scene combines the perfect mixture of slow motion shots, hand to hand combat, and trigger pulling action that one could only dream of. The compelling music in the background intensifies this excellent action scene.

What is even more amazing is the fact that the actors did their own stunts. After the scene in the lobby the action is moved to the roof, and Neo and Trinity have it out with an agent. Neo sports quickness never before seen in a human being, as he dodges all of the bullets fired at him except one. The visual effect used to show Neo dodging the bullets in slow motion creates a sort of break dancing look that is astonishing.


to this film have appeared in movies as diverse as Battlefield Earth, Charlie's Angels, Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo, Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, Osmosis Jones, Scary Move, Shrek, and Swordfish; as well as a few commercials and television shows. The Matrix's popularity has even transferred itself to the computer desktop in the form of screensaver's, desktop themes, and wallpaper. The movie ends with the destruction of the agents by our hero Neo. He finally realizes that he is truly the chosen one. He actually begins to see the matrix for what it really is, and uses his own powers to defeat the agents. I feel that I may have spoiled much of the movie for you in my description, but I will have you know that the rest is quite worth your while. Hearing about this movie is not enough. As stated by the mysterious Morpheus towards the beginning of the movie, "One cannot be told what the matrix is, he must see it himself". This movie is definitely worth taking the time to see.