School example essay topic

275 words
After twelve years of school, college is the last place to go until I'm finally out in the real world. No one knows what the future has in store for them, they can only try as hard as they can to make it what they want it to be. From as far back as I could remember I've always wanted to be a nurse, doctor, movies star, teacher, etc., but there is one thing that goes hand in hand with growing up to become that, which is school. Here I am now seventeen years old and I know less of what I want to be, then when I was five years old.

I do know one thing though that I want to be happy and successful with whatever I choose to do. There is nowhere better to make my final decisions of what I want to do with the rest of my life other than college. For me I feel that college will determine the rest of my life for me. Without my college education I will never have the dream job that I've always wanted. As a teenager I have the normal minimum wage job it teaches me a lot more than I would ever of thought to get out of it.

Not only am I gaining responsibility it's shown me how important school is to me, as nice as the money is now, working at Shop ko for the rest of my life will not lead me to a life of happiness. College opens up all types of professions that I can have.