Scout And Jem About Atticus example essay topic

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Essay? First Draft [Don, Eugene] To Kill A Mocking Bird In the harsh human society, there are many struggling conflicts that the humans face which is not easy to revolutionize to once it has happened since the past generations to until now. According to history, and even presently, one of the cruelest discrimination every occurred in human society is prejudices. Prejudice.

What do you think of it? Most people know what it is, or heard of it, however they cannot explain the word in an exact way nor have most people thought about it. Prejudice, it is when you have an unreasonable disliking of preference for a person or groups, particularly when it is based on their race, religion, and sex. Focusing back to examples of prejudices in history, in North America, African-Americans were brought from Africa as slaves and their descendants have endured centuries of oppression.

During the Civil War, slaves were freed and granted citizenship. However discrimination continued. Prejudice against African-Americans is still prevalent in the United States. African-Americans still face discrimination in housing, employment and education. Furthermore, there are even organizations such as Ku Klux Klan whom have small memberships; they have been actively recruiting and setting meetings in Pennsylvania and other states spreading messages to hate the African-Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other minorities. All of this information mentioned are examples of prejudices.

Prejudice is still common and hasn't changed vary ingly lots from history until the world today. In the novel, To Kill A Mocking Bird, there are lots of examples of prejudicial settings and undertakings. As we analyze the prejudices from this book, written by Harper Lee, there are three major categories spoken of. One of the main prejudices in this novel, To Kill A Mockingbird is racism, discrimination or prejudice based on race. When Atticus was forced to defeat the Black man, Tom Robinson, everybody had known that Atticus had to volunteer to protect him for death penalty. However, many people misunderstood and criticized the situation, many conflicts occurred against Scout, Jem and Atticus.

The first conflict between the folks and the Finches occurred at school. Cecil Jacobs mocked and teased Scout by calling Atticus a nigger lover. As a result, Scout got mad and fought with Cecil Jacobs. And through this fight, Atticus told Scout not to fight her even if she mocks about the trial. The next day, Cecil Jacobs said that it was a disgrace to stand for a nigger and teased Scout even more, but this time, Scout walked away. At Christmas, a similar event happened, where Scout and Jem went to the territory of Simon Finch, there she met Francis, whom she doesn't really like to spend her time with.

Within the period, Francis made Scout angry by insulting her talking about Atticus. Therefore, Scout swore at Francis, and Uncle Jack who heard this, scolded Scout for yelling out foul language. Afterward, Uncle Jack realized that Scout had her reasons to use foul language and felt sorry for her. However, Scout was worried Uncle Jack would tell Atticus about how Scout enraged at Francis because she was talking about Atticus. An alternative, Mrs. Dubose, always sat in front of her porch and mocked Scout and Jem about Atticus whenever she saw them. She always mocked other people and she also talked faultily about Tom Robinson's case only seeing in her point of view.

Mrs. Dubose also had Jem and Scout grounded, to come to her house and read for her everyday for a month because as to her cause, Jem had cut her plants in the garden. What's more, Tom Robinson's wife, Helen Robinson, is a poor woman who couldn't get a job. Folks think that Tom Robinson is guilty so they just dislike his wife without any special reasons. They fired her from her current job and nobody employed her back anymore, until later, Mr. Link Deas e employed her and treated her nicely. Also, Calpurnia is a woman unlike the other black people, who can read and write very well due to Mr. Buford's teaching. However, Calpurnia speaks differently at church which confuses Scout and makes Scout question her.

Calpurnia says that because she is black, she talks to black that way. Black people dislike it when one speaks like a white person and think they are superior. Another event, people from the Old S arum came to Maycomb prison intending to hurt Tom Robinson. However, Atticus was guarding the door and defending him. Also Scout, a little girl who was there at the scene, woke the people's prejudicial minds which made them return to where they came from. Furthermore, during Tom Robinson's trial, Mr. Gilmer treated Tom Robinson very rudely because he was a black man.

Within the trial, Atticus had proved enough true evidence to announce that Tom Robinson is not guilty, however the jury knowing he is not guilty, had to have Tom Robinson guilty. Why? Because he is black. Secondly, another major prejudice is sexism. For example, when Jem and Scout met Dill, they hanged around all together most of the time, however, Jem and Dill ditched her for the reasons she is a girl.

Consequently, she spent a lot of her time with Miss Maudie. When Atticus had lost the trial, Scout asked Atticus why Miss Maudie couldn't be the jury so we can help each other. However there were no Maycomb folks in the court. Another example of sexism is when Aunt Alexandria is always very fanatical about Scout's attire.

She always emphasizes Scout to wear a dress. The last but not least, is socialism or social class. Social class is a part of prejudice in the novel. Calpurnia couldn't speak at church as she normally does with folks in town. Most of the black people do not learn to read and write, so most of the people are average and there aren't many that know the language better than the other. So Calpurnia talks differently with them.

Plus, Aunt Alexandria pointed out the shortcoming of other families and emphasized that the Finches are respectable. She said young Sam Merriweather's suicide was caused by a morbid streak in the family. As Tom Robinson gave his testimony, the Ewells couldn't live on as a white as they normally did. The whites wouldn't do anything with them simply because the Maycomb town knew the Ewells lived like trash. Another example is when scout wanted to invite Walter Cunningham to her house and introduce him to the family, however Aunt Alexandria disagreed and said he will never be like the Finch and they " re not out kind of folks, not allowing him to come. She thinks the Cunningham's are trash and she doesn't change her mind that easily which upsets Jem and Scout. by: Don Shin - web / Eugene Choi - students from Korea @ Indianhead International School Don Shin - web / Eugene Choi - students from Korea @ Indianhead International School.