Security Positions example essay topic

286 words
The Aviation and Transportation security act deals with a lot of different issues that need to be taken in to consideration when passing the law the first being that all Security positions should be regulated by the federal government which is a good policy due to the 911 tragedy. The training required for the position should be intense and demanding with a background check and with a demand for citizenship. There is a potential for the thought of racial profiling. The position of the president in my opinion is that he is handling this matter in the best way he knows how. Given the current circumstances, the president is making every effort to insure the safety of all commuters within the United States.

According to Vote Smart the president signed and passed the bill for air security which makes his position on the matter very clear and that would be that he agrees with the policy and as well the governor of Michigan John Engler who is also in compliance with the bill. The entire Michigan delegation with the exception of one delegate who did not vote, and Michigan senate are also in support of this bill. This bill is both a federal and state related problem. Federal because it comes after the attack on America and the need to better the protect our airways. State because interstate community is very important and the safety of all citizens need to be taken very very serious. After the events that occurred on the 11th of September the re is no such thing as being safe as you ride the friendly skies and this is just another reinforcement.