Self Managed Teams example essay topic

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In the last five years or so management has seen a lot of changes. A lot of organizations are changing their structure from the traditional vertical structure to a flatter organization. Companies are also changing from the typical hierarchy of management to more team style departments. This means that management has to learn how to change to more of a leadership role. One would think that a manager and a leader are one in the same, and sometimes they are.

However, management skills are not limited to people with the title of manager, nor are leadership skills limited to people with the title of leader. (web Online Newsletter) The differences between the two are often subtle. According to Craig Hickman in his book Mind of a Manager, Soul of a Leader, learning the differences and how to use them appropriately is an art. Below is a sampling of a comparison of traits from Hickman (also on web): Definition of Managers: are analytical, structured, controlled, deliberate and orderly Definition of Leaders: are experimental, visionary, flexible, unfettered and creative Managers' primary problem-solving method is using the power of the logical mind, while leaders use the power of intuition. The organizational culture and capability of managers: wield authority, seek uniformity, administer programs, formulate policy, and manage by goals / objectives. While leaders: apply influence, pursue unity, develop people, set examples, manage by interaction.

This is a small sampling of the differences between management and leadership. I think of managers as being there to guide and promote ideas, whereas leaders are bold and brash, ready to lead the way at all times. To move into the future, people need to learn how to have both sets of skills, manager and leader. Companies are moving more and more to team based divisions. While this has become a revolutionary new way of doing things in the last five years or so, it is still a part of the wave of the future as well. Team building is not just a trend, some quirky thing that those crazy Californians are doing.

It is here to stay and many companies are benefiting from using teams. Google has built its entire business with teams (Hammond, pg 74). The engineering team is built around teams of three working together. Each person in the team is empowered to have their say in the project, as well as if they see a problem they can fix it; without ever having to go to a manager and explain what happened. Future Mgmt 3 Another emerging trend in management is learning to play to your strengths. There are many tests out now to learn what kind of personality you are.

The Gallup Organization designed a test called the Strengths Finder profile that tells people what talents they possess and what talents they don't have. This is called the Strengths Theory. The idea behind the strengths theory is that "each person's talents are enduring and unique and, that each person ahs the most room for growth in the areas of his or her greatest strengths". (Henricks, para 9) In other words, don't hire someone who is not strong in finance to be your controller or someone who is very analytical to be in marketing. Sure they could learn these jobs, but why not use their strengths to benefit the company? Sue B. King, president of Leadership Initiative says that "when we are moving away from hierarchical structures in business to greater dependence on teams it's really important that people understand what they bring to the party.

In that (the strengths theory) is revolutionary". (Henricks, para 6) A trend for human resource management is to eliminate a lot of the HR jargon and use words that employees understand. Including the actual name "human resource" department. Southwest Airlines has a People Department and Teleport Communications Group has a People Services department. This makes that department much more friendly feeling, just by the name. No longer is an employee just a "human", but an actual person!

Whether you talk about technology training, organizational development or any other aspect of human resources, the trend is toward enabling and empowering line managers and other employees to do the job themselves. The future role of the human resource professional is in coaching, enabling, and sharing information, which permits people to deal with people issues (Heathfield). As more and more companies turn to teams to run things the management process will likely change. I think that the four functions, planning, organizing, leading and controlling, will probably always be there. However, I think that much of the functions will be turned over to the teams, especially the organizing and leading functions. Teams will be responsible for deciding what needs to be done and who is going to do it.

There won't really be subordinates to delegate to, just fellow team members. Each project will require a leader to influence the direction the project should go in. However, that doesn't mean that person will be the leader in the next project. As we talked about strengths before, those who possess the strength in the area of the project will be the natural leader for that particular project.

As the future unfolds I think that we " ll see more companies turning to self-managed teams and creating work places where people can use their strengths to do great work. This will foster a workplace that employees want to stay in for years to come. Future Mgmt 4


Hammonds, Keith. How Google Grows and Grows and Grows. Retrieved September 8, 2003, from web Heathfield, Susan.
Four Trends Shaping Your Future. Retrieved September 8, 2003, Human resources.
about. com / library /weekly / aa 010602. a. html Henricks, Mark. Play to Your Strengths. Entrepreneur Magazine - May 2001.
Retrieved September 8, 2003, web.