Sex And Sexual Entertainment example essay topic

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Sex has played a huge part in our society today as a whole. Many people, especially teens, are overactive in sexual involvement. There are many outstanding sexual trends that occur throughout the world today that seem to be aimed precisely towards teenagers. The following question probes my mind as I think about sex in Y 2 K: "What are the new and uprising teenage sexual behavioral trends from the 1990's until now?" Sexual activity is on the up rise simply because the general population is open and tolerant to teens having sex and society permits teens to act out in any shape, form, or fashion.

For instance, according to Marty Klein, Ph. D, societal developments affect sexuality in two ways: directly and indirectly. Examples of direct influences include the invention of the birth control pill, the discovery of ovulation, and the invention of vasectomy. But events can also affect sex indirectly. For example, during World War II, the few young men who were left in America's cities were suddenly a scarce commodity, and women started to compete for them. One way they did this was with sex-and quickly, initiating dates and being sexually aggressive became more culturally acceptable.

(Klein) Sex trends are like art movements. Sexual activity developments seem to simultaneously crop up in different locations. This is evidenced not only by mail, but also by anecdotes, television, and other types of entertainment. The past years from the 1990's until now have contained direct aims towards sexual activities dealing with anal sex, which was considered to be an enjoyment. In addition, the threesome acts involving three persons of the same or opposite sex have increased in the world of sex.

What next? Seven minutes in the closet? Teenagers in Y 2 K partake in sexual acts by any means necessary. Besides the invention of anal sex and the threesome sex trends, there are hands-free vibrators, which are available in most sex shops.

The hands-free vibrator is called the Magic Wand. It is called the Magic Wand simply because the user parts the legs slightly and places a pillow in between them, leaving a gap below the vagina and anchoring the vibrator in the gap and then turns it on. Adolescents today are finding more and more ways to participate in sexual activity regardless of the risks. For example, according to Dr. Ron Read, while people are more aware of the importance of participating in ONLY 'safe' or 'safer's sexual activities, there is still confusion about what the words 'safe', 'safer', 'unsafe' and 'risky' mean when it comes to the spread of sexually transmitted disease (Read). Sex has become such a big part of the society today that teenagers are willing to take risks to participate in any unusual types of activities. As said by Dr. Ron Read, risky activities directed towards those that are not in long term relationships and free from STD's include the following: anal sex or vaginal sex without a condom, oral sex without a condom and sharing sex toys (Read).

Teenage sexual behavioral trends increase daily throughout the world. Sex trends range from the traditional intercourse to having three to four partners simultaneously. Teenagers seem to be unaware of the dangers of sexual activities without protection. Young people seem to become more and more curious day by day to experience sex in any method or manner to be apart of the "crowd". There are many popular activities performed by teenagers today that engage sex, sex and more sex, such as the following: cybersex, phone sex, pornography, entertainment shows, etc.

Sexual activity in Y 2 K pertaining to teens has been on the up rise since the 1990's simply because of the lack of communication in the homes of teenagers. Parents need to talk to their adolescents about sex and stop putting the topic off until tomorrow. Tomorrow may be too late. Young people are learning more and more about sex at an earlier age day by day. Parents need to talk with their children about important values of abstinence and give them accurate information in regards to sex.

Parents today are focused on making money to pay the mortgage and they do not have enough time to ensure that young people are engaged in becoming productive citizens. Teenagers probably do not understand what abstaining from sex until marriage requires simply because society is hypocritical about sex because many adults are not participating in committed relationships and are not as good of a role model as expected. Sexual trends are on the rise due to television and its X-rated material. Many teenagers obtain the ability to retrieve any type of sexual oriented products. According to Cheryl Wetzstein, the Center for Media and Public Affairs in Washington examined hundreds of TV episodes, movies, and MTV music videos for its report, "Sexual Imagery in Popular Entertainment". It found that: Broadcast TV shows averaged a sex scene every four minutes, while cable TV shows averaged a sex scene every five minutes.

MTV's music videos averted 93 sex scenes per hour. The popular teen movie, "There's Something About Mary", had 53 sex scenes. Ten years ago, there were 36 references to sex in 180.5 hours of programming, according to the PTC. In 1999, there were 342 references in 235.5 hours of programming, including 20 references to oral sex, a previously taboo subject on TV. (Wetzstein) Sex and sexual entertainment does not have any prohibitions or bans that will keep teenagers away from the activities. There are too many producers of sex related "junk" that teenagers are allowed to get in their possession.

For example, when walking into the pornography store, no one asked for any identification. This happens daily throughout the world simply due to the adults' lack of responsibility. There are too many up to date technologies that pertain to sex, as said by Marty Klein, such as the following: VCR- porn films, telephone- phone sex, photography- pornography, internet- cybersex, etc (Klein). Sex and sex entertainment is being developed in any way possible. According to Jenny Bicks, seemingly impossible, sex will become even more rampant in this era. With drugs, dolls with lifelike genitalia and frank discussion readily available, sex will be completely accessible to the masses.

Americans of all ages will take to their beds in droves... Armed with a pocket full of Viagra and a head full of consummated fantasies, even people who were previously labeled "bad in bed" will be taking to theirs. (Bicks) Sex is sex and many people are enjoying as much of it as possible in any capable manner. Sexual trends continue to rise daily. From the 1990's until now, there are direct and indirect aims towards sex and sex entertainment. Teenage sexual behaviors are increasing daily and they are becoming more concerned with sex than education.

The general population is tolerant to activities, such as anal sex, oral sex, breast sex, etc. Society must teach adolescents the importance of morals, values, abstinence, and safe sex. According to Kelly O'Meara, in the latter, an eighth-grade girl recounted a scenario that played out in her home with a boyfriend. "Let's go to you room. You can give me some (engage in fellatio) and then we " ll go downstairs", said the boy.

To which she replied, "No, you " re nasty (O'Meara)!" It is unremarkable to observe the age that teenagers are sneaking partners in and out of their homes to have sex or almost have sex. What if her boyfriend would have raped her? Sexual trends are definitely developing more and more techniques daily that are very appealing to the teenage mind and senses. Sexual behaviors occur due to the individuals' preference and moral values. As the new and upcoming sexual behavioral trends continue to occur throughout history, the following reasons are developed for the occurrence of these trends: lack of self-esteem, not enough communication in the home, lack of prohibitions, and a lack of role models. Sexual behaviors may be categorized simply because it is an occurrence that is an issue in the world and with the homes of Americans that is discussed, at times, but constantly ignored.