Sex By The Time example essay topic

341 words
Media played an important role, in my sexual socialization. It seemed as if everyone had sex by the time they were eighteen years old and if not, they were a loser. Sex was suppose to make us cool. One of my girlfriends even pledged that if she did not lose her virginity by the age of eighteen, she was going to commit suicide. I got my first image of how I wanted my first time to be from the show General Hospital. It was two young adults, Lucky and Liz whom both wanted to lose their virginity to each other.

It was done very tastefully and romantically, with the two pledging their love for one another and then having sex in a secluded cottage. Soft music played and flowers were placed everywhere. It seemed like the first time having sexual intercourse was going to be just as amazing. However, the media misinformed me. I soon learned that the first time is nothing like that. Instead it's filled with tons of unknowns and insecurities.

I think the media needs to portray more sexual intercourse more realistically. That is for example, with the female feeling pressured by the male to have it or the male being scared and so on. I know no one talked to me and so I learned the hard way. For instance, the nervousness of putting a condom on a male for the first time. In addition, I think schools should also educate their students about sex. As I am taking this class overall, I am learning about how much I really don't know about my body and about sex.

It is really shocking. For instance I am a female that has been menstruating for about five years and still was not really aware what occurs during my monthly cycle. I think this class is a true eye opener to us, young adults, whom think we know it all.