Sexual Pleasure From Ice Cream example essay topic

693 words
The text on this article attempts to show that Patron is magical. The reader believes that if he / she drinks the tequila, they will magically experience their sexual fantasies. The model is puckering her lips as if to give the reader a kiss, and the text is telling you to taste the magic. The magic is actually the very attractive supermodel. The reader is being told to taste the supermodels lips, in a sexual way. The ad also uses the idea of magic idea to give the impression that the product will make you a sexually beautiful person.

The text makes you believe that you can experience a sexual fantasy by drinking the tequila. Everyone knows that magic does not exist, but Patron attempts to alter the publics beliefs. Skyy Vodka advertisement depicts a man with lipstick marks hiding under a bed while his suggested entertainer hides him from another man. This advertisement shared a strong sense of sex appeal as well as a sense of daring behavior. Many of the people commented that this ad seemed to say that although Skyy Vodka could provide a good time it also looked as though they were saying it would get you into trouble. Skyy Vodka however, uses a sense of brand personality together with sexual appeal.

Haagen-Dazs ice cream follows the same trend in viewing women as sex objects. Their main advertisement depicts a man sitting on a stairway waiting for an women. This ad is black and white except the text, which is in bright yellow. The man is holding a ice cream sundae, clearly shown as being a Haagen-Dazs brand.

Written across the advertisement in yellow text is the statement, thank god shes late. In addition to this, at the bottom of the ad, is the Haagan-Dazs logo with a question asking, too much pleasure? The man is obviously waiting for his girlfriend because the two are going on a date. She is running late, and he has some time to kill. What is ironic is that the man is taking the extra time to eat some Haagan-Dazs ice cream. He does not appear to be nervous or concerned, but actually a bit relieved.

He rather prefers the woman be late so that he could have his ice cream. Once again, the female gender is negatively brought into a advertisement. The ad is implying that the ice cream is more important than the mans date with the woman. The text shows that he is having more pleasure with the ice cream, than he would with the woman. The woman is obviously representing sex. She ultimately is viewed as any object of sexual pleasure.

It does not take much analyzing to determine that the man enjoys ice cream more than sex with the woman. At first glance, the advertisement seems very dull with the black and white colors. What catches the eye immediately is the bright yellow color of the bold text. This gets the readers attention, and curiosity causes us to analyze the depicted scene. The line too much pleasure also catches the readers eye. One must ask themselves: what does too much pleasure have to do with ice cream?

Quite simply the woman in the ad represents sex, and the reader is expected to interpret this meaning on their own. This is the whole idea of association and the way that it can be used as a advertising technique. There was not even a woman directly pictured in the ad, but females were still managed to be portrayed as sex objects. This was simply down with the text. The line thank god shes late, shows that he is glad that the woman is not there. Then the reference to pleasure shows that the woman represents sex.

People usually do not get sexual pleasure from ice cream but from sex. This ad thoroughly proves the theory about women in advertisements.