Simple Operation example essay topic

815 words
The story "Hills Like White Elephants" is about a couple who discuss an abortion. The American in the story addresses it as a "simple operation", (487) while Jig seems to feel it is the wrong choice. I feel the man is encouraging her to have the abortion done in his own selfish way. I feel the American is being very selfish and thinking what a simple operation it would be. He tells Jig, "It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig". (487) "It's not really an operation at all".

(487) How easy it would be for the American to have an opinion like this since he would never have to experience the pain. He doesn't have to deal with any of the physical or emotional scares. He just keeps reassuring her that it will be a simple operation. He says, "I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It's just to let the air in".

Is this what other men have told him? Has he ever taken the time to talk with women who have had the "simple operation?" As a man it would be very easy to think it's a simple operation, but is this the reassurance that women want and need from men when they are faced with this decision? The American says, "I'll go with you and stay with you all the time. They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural".

(487) Jig shows signs of regret as though the American is forcing her into this decision. I don't feel that it is something that she wants to do. Jig says, "And if I do it you " ll be happy and things will be like they were and you " ll love me". (488) "Then I'll do it. I don't care about me". (488) She seems to feel happiness about having the baby, but maybe he has made her feel that this is what she should do because he says", But I don't want anybody but you, I don't want anyone else.

And I know it's perfectly simple". She feels that if she doesn't have the abortion he might leave her because he is not willing to share her love with anyone else. I feel he has pressured her into the decision. He should have taken more time and, if he really loved her, he would allow her to tell him her true feelings about the situation. He would have really listened to what she was telling him when she said, "No we can't.

It's isn't ours any more". (488) He is telling her what they can't have and won't be able to do if she has the baby. What I see happening in this story is if she has the baby the man might leave her, so either way she could possibly be raising the baby on her own. I can't imagine loving someone as much as he says he loves her. Loving someone that much, one would not make that person make a decision he or she obviously did not want to make.

He has left her no choice really, either have the baby and raise it without the father possibly or to have the abortion, which she really don't want to have, and go back to the life with just the two of them. "And once they take it away, you never get it back". (488) Either decision I feel is not the right one for this couple because they both could have different outcomes later on down the road. The girl sounds as if she is going to go ahead and have the "simple operation" due to the Americans influence. "And if I do it you " ll be happy and things will be like they were and you " ll love me". (488) Will she still love him the same when it is over?

She might be left full of hatred because she will feel this is what he wanted, not her. She might feel a loss for someone who can never be replaced and put all the blame on him. Is an abortion ever the right answer? I feel that God decides our lives for us from the day that we are born. God has given this couple a gift, the gift of life, and the man is being selfish and thinking only of himself. Therefore, he is asking her to sin to indulge in his own selfish needs.

There is one sin after another, so who is right and who is wrong? I would say the American is! But, only God knows.