Sixteen Page Research Paper example essay topic

625 words
Last spring semester, I wrote a sixteen-page research paper. My teacher, Mrs. Darlene, had given us a few topics to choose from and allowed us two months to finish it. The topic I had chosen was about hair color because I am in a cosmetology program. I was nervous and scared when I heard her say that we had to do the research paper and turn it in on 11 May because I had never done a research before. After she told us about the research paper, I went home and thought about it every day. A week later, when school started, I decided to do my project in a group with my friend; we were allowed to do so.

Unfortunately, that girlfriend didn't know English very well and had never taken any English classes, so she begged me to help and do it all for her. If there are two people in a group, each person has to do eight pages. Every day I went on the internet and to library to look for the information about hair coloring, but I couldn't find much information. I stared to get mad at myself and complained to my friend that she should help me. I was very disappointed in myself because I thought I could handle it. I decided to give up, and didn't care to think about it.

When there was one week left to turn the research papers in, my partner suddenly mentioned it. it was that she reminded me; otherwise, I would have forgotten. I rushed and tried my best to seek the information, but still couldn't find any. I was worried about how to get started. I knew I couldn't be lazy anymore; I said to myself, "Lan, you have to finish it soon; otherwise you will get a low grade in this class". Finally, I decided to get help form my teacher; she let me borrow some of her books and gave me the address of a website for hair coloring. Now I got the information and had an idea how to get started.

I still remember that week; it was terrible for me because it seemed I was in prison. I tried not to go out, and I was in my room all the time after I got off school. When there was one day left till the deadline, I started typing my research papers. The first page was an introduction, which took me three hours.

I was very tired and stressful because I focused very much on what I was doing. It was already midnight; everybody in my family was asleep but me. I took a few minutes for a break to get something to eat, and then I continued to work on the essay. Finally, I was glad that I finish it even though it was so late, about 3: 40 AM.

I was so tired, but I felt very happy. Therefore, I slept very well even though I slept only two hours on that day. When I woke up, I was very excited, happy, and ready for the next day because of what I did. All in all, I should thank my partner for making me work very hard, but it was worth it to me.

I learned a lot of things about how to do a research paper that I had never known. Besides, I also knew things about hair color that I didn't know before. In the end, I got a B+. We were very happy, and I was proud of myself.