Sixth Grade Randolph Middle School Class example essay topic

427 words
Sixth grade is a very important year in a child's life. This is the time when a child is making there big transition from being the "big kids" in elementary school to becoming the "bottom of the pit" in middle school. Many people believe that this is about the time when children go through a lot of their hormonal and physical changes. This can put a great deal of stress on young children.

If a teacher helps to make this transition a little easier for a kid they will have a much easier time adapting. I could notice a lot of different characteristics among the children that I observed in the sixth grade Randolph Middle School class. There are some kids who are still very in mature while there are others who have seemed to adjust to this transition nicely. The teacher in this particular class had a very "Montessori", type of teaching style. She took a mostly hands on approach to her teaching. This class was a basic math class that was learning about rates and ratios.

By using the class gender, she explained ratio which is something significant to them. To explain rate, the teacher used real life examples that the children could relate too. Before the class began the teacher sat down with me and explained her lesson plan. She told me the different approaches that she takes towards the average level classes and the remedial levels. In the remedial level class I sat in, there were eight resource room students. In a class of twenty-four students, having such a large number of students that need extra assistance could become distracting to the other students as well as the teacher.

To eliminate some of these distractions, this school added an aide in the classroom. The one thing I didn't really like about this approach was that the resource students would get help from the aide rather than the classroom teacher. I think this would make a student feel separated from the rest of the class. As far as the appearance of the classroom, it was very inviting. Brightly colored pictures and student artwork lined the walls. There were many posters with positive reinforcers on them.

These posters encouraged things such as responsibility, cooperation, team work, and friendliness. If I were a sixth grader sitting in one of these classes, I would feel very comfortable with the teacher and the learning environment..