Skyler And Tizzie's Clone example essay topic

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The Experiment The Experiment was written based off the moral war between whether or no cloning is right. It involves three main people: Jude, Skyler and Tizzie. Jude is a newspaper reporter and has been dating Tizzie for quite awhile. Tizzie is a doctor who studies twins and the different types. Jude was doing a newspaper article and that was how he met Tizzie.

He had to get information for the article and was told that Tizzie was the person to talk to when it came to twins. She happened to be a highly recognized doctor in that field. While all of this is going on in New York, Skyler, Jude's clone, is living on an island with many other clones, even though they don't know they " re clones. Skyler and his best friend discover that something happening on the island was wrong and dangerous. They plan on an escape, but Skyler's friend dies in the attempt. Skyler grows up there and falls in love with one of the females on the island who happened to be Tizzie's clone.

Skyler and Tizzie's clone decide that they want to find out what has really been going on, on that island for so long. They dig through the offices trying to find just the smallest bit of information that could help them in their search. One day Skyler was out and felt that something was amiss. So that no one would know of Skyler and the girl's search they conjured up a way to secretly communicate when to meet each other and where. It involved a rock, a tree and where the rock was place by the tree. Well, when Skyler got the chance he went to check on the rock because he hadn't seen his love in a very long time.

Later he finds out that she was killed in "The Lab" with all of her organs taken. He managed to escape the island and make it to the mainland. After a long while he made his way to New York and found out that he looked exactly like a man he saw in the newspaper... Jude. Meanwhile, Jude has his own struggles with being stalked by large men with white streaks in their hair. One night, Skyler finds out where Jude lives and decides to take a visit.

Just is very startled when he first meets him, but gradually gets use to the idea that they were either twins or clones. Until Skyler meets Tizzie they weren't sure, but Tizzie proves somehow that they " re clones. Tizzie, Skyler and Jude are determined to get behind what is going on and involves a friend detective and some other people. On a Trip in Arizona, Jude discovers that Tizzie is a friend of his that he had when he use to live in Arizona. They were playmates and their parents worked for "The Lab". Jude is hurt emotionally by finding all of this out.

While they were finding all of this, Skyler was in a hotel back in another town because he wasn't feeling well. He becomes delirious and runs a very high temperature fever. When he goes to the bathroom to get some water, he accidentally breaks a glass and slices his wrists open. Panicking and not knowing what was going on, he stumbles outside the room, getting blood everywhere, a person from a room nearby sees him and yells to the manager to call for an ambulance. By this time Skyler has collapsed. When Tizzie and Jude found out that they were old playmates, they were in an old cave where "The Lab" was located in their first trials of the experiment.

Well, there was a cave in and they were stuck for a long time. When they finally got out, they found out that someone had done that on purpose to try and kill them. Obviously it didn't work. They went back to the hotel only to find Skyler gone and blood everywhere. When Jude asked the manager where his brother was, he had told him that Skyler was at the local hospital.

They rushed there to see how he was and he was in bad shape. Skyler was given a blood transfusion because of all the blood he lost when he cut himself. After a long talk with the doctors on what had happened, they were able to leave to continue on their search. After much dilemma, they found out who was behind the lethal and inhumane experiment.

Jude and Skyler's own mother who had renamed herself to be known as Dr. Rincon. All the murders done to the clones were avenged at a "conference" held at an old army base. Because the island was destroyed earlier in a hurricane, they had moved to the U.S. in hope to restore their work. Instead though they were forced to do the organ exchange in the clones and the people cloned, to "help them live a longer life". The police got wind of it and made the arrests after Jude, Tizzie and Skyler escaped with all the information they had been seeking on a small, floppy disk. The science on this book was all on life extension and whether or not it could really work.

A group of scientists, known as "The Lab", worked on this in a cave in Arizona so that no one in the government would know of it, it was outlawed to research. Dr. Rincon, the head of the group, decided to clone all of the scientist's kids to experiment on. They also cloned iguanas to see how that would work on them. The scientists discovered that telomeres were what kept our cells young.

Hence, the more telomeres you had, the longer you would live. It was also thought that if clones were injected with extra telomeres the aging effect would almost stop and they would live twice as long as normal human beings. If not that then clones could be used as unwilling organ donors. What the scientists thought though was incorrect and the extra telomeres injection actually caused more trouble than anything else. Some of the clones developed Progeria, a disease that increases the aging process dramatically. Some of them even turned into monsters or chimera.

The bodies were said to be unable to take such a change and rejected all of it. In Skyler's case, when he got sick, he was lacking something vital in his cells caused by telomeres "therapy". That is what they were doing to all of the clones on the island and that is the science of the book.