Slaves Ancestors Money example essay topic

1,118 words
Slavery has been a very sensitive, touchy subject since, and even before, its abolition in 1865. There is no doubt whatsoever that its one, if not the, worst things to ever take place in the United States. However, this happened a long, long time ago in a different generation. The ancestors of those who were slaves have every right to be angry about what happened, but to try and claim money for it is absurd. Granted it was wrong, it was the way of life in those times. Wealthy white men owned slaves in those days.

Paying back these slaves ancestors would not change anything. What's done is done. Also there are many other needs in this country that this money could help greatly. Doing this would stir up more tension than there already is now.

The fact that the country is paying back American Indians and Japanese-Americans is hard to comprehend. These people are being greedy only using their ancestors as an excuse to get their hands on some quick cash. The world is an ever changing place with new customs, beliefs, and ideas being thought up every day. Times change, and people change. In the 1700's and the 1800's it was custom for the rich, white plantation owners to have slaves. As we look back now it is obvious to us that it was wrong but that is the way is was then.

There was no law banning it. Think about alcohol. It is bad and causes bad things to happen sometimes, but its legal. So in 100 years will the government give money to anybody who was harmed due to alcohol? The same thing goes for cigarettes. One day down the road people will realize what alcohol and cigarettes do and they may ban them.

The world evolves everyday and everyone uses the lessons they learned from past generations in order to fit in well with society and live life to the fullest. What does giving slaves ancestors money solve? Nothing. Slavery took place hundreds of years ago and paying back families does not make anything right. There is nothing that can be done to make what happened better. Paying reparations will not free the slaves.

Anyone who is trying to collect reparations is a selfish fool who cares nothing about making things right, they just want money. Paying them back still would not make them feel better about slavery. A check for however much money will not make them say "Ok, slavery was alright, I forgive them". They will still hold a grudge. Let somebody ask these people who are trying to claim money, "What does this solve?" and if one can come up with an answer then maybe they have an argument.

Finding a person with a good answer would be hard though. This is a prime example of what is wrong with this country, people looking for a quick buck and the easy way out. How many other things could this country do with the money used to pay back these ancestors? Some say the government owes eight billion dollars. There are a staggering amount of hungry mouths sleeping on the side of the road, countless numbers of children with disease and no family.

These are problems the United States faces today. There is nothing to be done about slavery, but this is a problem that can be addressed and solved today. Paying back reparations would not only be a waste of money but in essence would kill thousands who could have used the money to recover from disease, eat, find shelter and numerous other things. If reparations were paid it could trigger more harsh years for African-Americans. There would be many people who would be furious at what there tax dollars were going to. The whole purpose for collecting money is to make up for the unfair years of the early Americas.

It is somewhat ironic that by getting this money it would start new years of discrimination. This could very easily begin the start of more white supremacist groups who will terrorize the families who collected. Nobody wants that. How fair is it for people such as Craig Blakemore whose family supported the Underground Railroad to have to pay. So if only slaves ancestors get money then should only slave owners ancestors have to pay them. There are citizens who moved here from outside the country and have no connection to slavery whatsoever.

Should they have to pay? When looked at from all angles it is possible that this act may make more people angry than happy. Just as it is a mistake to pay back slaves ancestors, it was also a mistake to pay back Native-Americans and Japanese-Americans. As has been stressed, these things happened so long ago. At the time the Indians were foreigners. As have so many others they were defeated and lost their land.

It is no different from Alexander the Great or Napoleon taking over. It was the best thing to do for their country. Granted we would not do this these days it was the way of life back then. The Japanese-Americans was a little different situation but reparations still should not have been paid. World War II was an incredibly hectic time for Americans. Much was going on and the United States was losing the war.

It was well know that the Japanese were sending spies into the country. The government did what they thought was best by interning the Japanese-Americans. They couldn't take a chance. These things happen but it is not fair to charge citizens, many of whom are not related in any such way, tax dollars to pay for U.S. mistakes.

Paying reparations to African American slave ancestors is really a foolish idea. It's a lot of people trying to pocket a lot of cash. This is cash that could be used for many other things of more importance. Slavery was a way of life in for the 246 years it was in existence.

There is nothing that can ever be done to make up for slavery, no matter how much money is paid. The best thing to do now is move on and cope with it. As hard as that may be, it is the best solution..