Slow Wave And Rem Sleep example essay topic
It follows then, that sleep reduces brain temperature. REM sleep consists of de synchronized EEG activity, muscular paralysis, rapid eye movements, and increased genital activity. REM sleep is controlled from within the pons. The executive mechanism activates the different components of REM sleep and consists of neurons that secrete acetylcholine. It has been discovered that people who are exposed to organophosphate insecticides (acting as acetylcholine agonists) spend higher amounts of time in REM sleep. The brain contains several groups of acetylcholinergic neurons (which control the onset of REM sleep), the most important of these are found in the dorsalateral pons, in the PDT (pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus) and the LTD (laterodorsal tegmental nucleus).
This region is commonly refered to as the peribrachial area. Certain neurons in the peribrachial area fire extremely fast during REM sleep; it is the high activity in the acetylcholinergic cells that is thought to kickstart a bout of REM sleep. Welter and Jones found through making lesions in the peribrachial area that the amount of REM sleep a person exhibits is directly related to the number of cholinergic neurons that are functioning. Those who had kain ic acid injected into their peribrachial areas experienced drastic reductions in their amounts of REM sleep.
The acetylcholinergic neurons of the peribrachial area send axons to the medial pontine reticular formation and to several regions of the forebrain, i. e., the basal ganglia, the thalamus, the the hypothalamus, the preoptic area, the hippocampus and the cingula te cortex. In addition they send axons to the brain stem regions involved in the control of eye movements. This explains how the acetylcholinergic neurons are responsible for the onset of REM sleep, including genital arousal, muscular paralysis, and rapid eye movements. Activation of the forebrain neurons causes arousal and rapid eye movements occur because of axons sent from the peribrachial area to the tetum. Muscular paralysis is interrupted by lesions to the brain stem - in these circumstances, people act out their dreams.