Small Japanese Cars example essay topic

1,306 words
In this essay I will be describing different aspects of Japanese culture and explaining why they are finding popularity in various ways in Australia today. I will also be describing how Japan is represented in Australia. I will also write a conclusion of what I have written. Japanese culture has played an important part in everyone's lives. Whether it is through the electrical technology made in Japan, the cars we (our parents) drive or the food we eat, it is impossible to ignore the impact that the Japanese way of life has had on all Australians. In today's society, Australian people are becoming more and more weight conscious, so, many Australians are dining solely on the traditional Japanese diet, which contains very little fat.

This diet is much more popular to Australians than any other diet because Japan is the healthiest country in the world 1. They are also a very good snack food because many Japanese foods are prepared in small, bite-sized pieces that taste great and are healthy at the same time. While many Australians are watching their weight, they also want to have fun, so Martial Arts have also become very popular in Australia. Martial Arts such as Karate, Aikido, judo, Kung Fu and Jujitsu are becoming extremely popular because they are a great source of exercise, a great way to pass the time, and also a great way to make friends. Crime has also been a big problem in Australia over the last ten years so martial arts are increasing in popularity so people can feel safe knowing they can defend themselves.

Japanese architecture is becoming popular among the wealthier people who are sick of all the plain western style houses and want an oriental looking house. Japanese houses are also popular among the workaholics who have very little holiday time and want to feel like they " re in an exotic "wonderland" without leaving their towns or cities. The Japanese Style architecture not only looks good but it also gives Other people the impression that you " ve got money to spend and don't settle for the boring Australian houses. Also the two main types of Japanese Religion (Buddhism, Shinto) are becoming increased in popularity because of the way Buddhist's and Shinto's approach life.

These different ways of living and thinking are appealing to the younger crowd who have mainly grown up in a Christian environment, but also to some older people who are looking for a different approach to life or just a change. The Japanese culture also caters for the lazy 'couch potato' people who can choose from about twenty different Japanese Manga cartoons to watch each morning such as Pokemon, Dragon ball Z and Sailor Moon. Pokemon was the biggest craze to hit Australia in the last ten with over half a billion dollars worth of merchandise sold 5. Manga Cartoons have been the most popular type of comic and animated cartoons in Australia for many years. While Japanese culture is finding popularity outside school, Japanese is becoming an increasingly popular subject to learn. People are interested in learning Japanese because Japan is one of the major trading partners of Australia 2 and many student will go on to do business with the Japanese after they leave school.

Japan is also a world power so there is a lot of high paying jobs that require Japanese speakers. The Japanese alphabet is also finding its way into the Australian fashion industry. "Juice Clothing Incorporated" has released a new range of fashion featuring Japanese Katakana and Kanji Symbols 3. These symbols are popular to the younger people because it is something recognised easily and because they have never been used for Australian fashion before. "Juices" new range, featuring The Japanese Symbols, is in the top ten for the most popular new fashion in Australia 3. In Japan, workers of a Japanese company trying to land a big business deal with another company will take the executive of that company out for a night on the town.

They usually break the ice by taking the executive to a karaoke bar where all the workers (including the Powerful Executive) will sing and dance. Because Many Australian's have loud, talkative personalities, Karaoke is taking Australia by storm. Australians (especially when they " re drunk) have no problem with embarrassing themselves in front of other people, they even enjoy it, so when someone wants a party they now look towards the many karaoke bars found across Australia. Karaoke is a fun way to express your self without having to feel shy or embarrassed and that, too many Australians, young or old, is very appealing. Because Japan has one of the highest populations per square kilometre (over three hundred people), the Japanese people have designed small but spacious looking houses and apartments.

Houses and apartments like the ones designed in Japan are becoming more and more popular among Australians because young people with busy social lives are forever moving towards the city to be "near the action" without so much as a thought as to the price of apartments around Sydney or other major Australian cities. With small Japanese style apartments, however, people can afford to live in an apartment that is close to the CBD, looks spacious because everything packs away or is hidden to the eye, and doesn't cost a months rent because it really isn't taking up much space. With small apartments you need small gardens, and the Japanese have designed gardens big and small, that look amazing, don't cost much, and don't take much looking after. These are extremely popular because Japanese gardens give any house and oriental feel. There is also a giant Japanese garden in Sydney that is visited by tens of thousands of people each year.

The art of bonsai has also become very popular because it doesn't take much energy, you don't need much money or much equipment to start with and having a thirty year old tree thirty centimetres high and sitting on your dining table is really amazing. Small Japanese cars are also very popular in Australia. Car names such as Honda, Daihatsu, Mitsubishi and Toyota designed their cars to fit the over populated cities of Japan, but in the last ten years, in Australia, the family car has gone out of fashion and now the 'zippy', fuel economic, small cars are in fashion. People in Australia like these particular car design for one reason. WE ARE LAZY! Nobody wants to spend half an hour finding a car park in a busy supermarket and another half an hour trying to fit into that park, when a small car can fit just about anywhere.

We also don't want to stop at the petrol station every ten kilometres because the giant family sedan has run out of fuel. Electronics have gone forward in leaps and bounds since the Japanese became the leading technology producers in the world. All their technology is top quality and is always getting smaller to meet peoples needs. Right now the most popular brand name in Australia is 'Sony' which is owned and designed in Australia 4.

In conclusion I would like to say that most likely unintentionally, the Japanese way of life has catered for all of the lazy, and the very active people in Australia. They have made things better for Australia and the entire world with all their inventions. Japanese people are constantly inventing new technology to meet all Australians needs and they are so popular because they are the best.


1. World Book Encyclopaedia 1999 2.
Encarta World Atlas 1997 3.