Smell In The Locker Room example essay topic

436 words
A Day at Football Practices Its three o'clock in the afternoon and the sun is beaming down on the practice field as if it was touching the field. At NGC it's time for football practices. The training room, locker room, and practices field is what comes to my mine when I think of football practices. When at practice players spend a lot of time in these areas. Each area has it's different in noise, smell and movement. When I walk in the training I usually see the trainer tapping someone ankle.

The training room always has a strong smell of be ngay from the over usage of the product on athletes sore muscles. While in the training room the air is full of the sound of the small radio that sits in the corner of the room. The movement in the training room is crazy. We only have one training who is reasonable for three hundred athletes. The movement of all the athletes in the training room can be nerve racking. The locker is always filled with lots of noise.

The sound of players talking noise, playing jokes and players complaining fills the locker room every day. The smell in the locker room is outrages. When I walk in there the smell of sweat hits my nose. When I walk up to my locker the smell of sweaty clothes, pads and wet shoes has me gaspe n for air.

The movement in the locker run is like five o'clock traffic. Every one in there is problem late for practice. Therefore everyone is in a rush to get to practice. The practice field is filled with a lot of energy. The practice field has its own unique smell. The smell of grass mixed with the smell of the warm mountain air runs across my nose.

The movement huge guy with pads on running across the practice field fills my eyes. The sound of cars flying up and down highway 414 team can be herd through out of practice. The sound of pads smacking to gather can also be heard through out of practice. The locker room, training room, and practices field is three areas we spend a lot time while at practice. Each of them have they own unique qualities about them. These areas play a big roll for a football player during practice.

Through each one noise smell, and movement every area has something different about its qualities.