Soda Taste example essay topic

236 words
The Coca-Cola Company was originated in 1886; the Company is the world's leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, used to produce more than 300 beverage brands. Their corporate headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia with local operations in over 200 countries around the world. We are introducing a new coke product called Pure Coke. It's a fabulous tasting soda, with 1/4 of the carbohydrates and half of the calories of a regular coke. For those dieter's out there, that just can't get used to that diet soda taste, but still is yearning for a delicious tasting refreshing drink, Pure Coke is the answer! It's finally here, a soda that taste great but you don't have to worry about counting calories or carb grams anymore!

The cans and bottles will be appear more sliver than red, we want it to appear to be slim and unique, so it will catch the consumers eye. Marketing is essential for any organization's success. It's truly about the bottom line. To make money, you must invest some money into advertising and marketing. Conducting market research, and aiming at that target market, will certainly end with a success story. Essentially, it will cost money to get this new product made, advertised and circulating.

But, we at the Coca-Cola company are confident our product will be successful.