Soldiers In Our National Guard Unit example essay topic

407 words
Introduction As you already know, our National Guard Unit has been activated to Europe. I have prepared this report in order to inform the soldiers in our National Guard Unit that are involved in this deployment of what they can expect while in Europe. Although not all the soldiers deployed will be stationed in Germany, I have chosen to write about Germany due to the fact that I have already been to this country and have first hand experience. This report contains a brief summary of the German history, German language, German climate, and the German laws and customs.

This report also discusses the importance of the soldiers' actions and repercussions of those actions. I recommend that each soldier knows and understands each of the topics discussed in this report and realizes that they are guests in this country, responsible for adhering to the German culture in every way possible. During the month of August 2001, I accompanied my National Guard Unit on a three-week annual training rotation in Grafenwoehr, Germany. During this three-week period I was introduced for the first time to a culture completely different from my own.

The food, the customs, the language, and even the weather were whole new experiences for the majority of my colleagues and I. Since the start of this report, I have recently found out that I, and 84 of my fellow Guardsmen will be returning to Europe for an indefinite amount of time in order to provide mechanical support to those units that were deployed to Afghanistan. The purpose of this report is to prepare those activated soldiers for what they will encounter while in Europe. This report will provide each soldier with a brief discussion of the history, language, weather, and laws and customs of the German society as a whole. In preparing for this report I used Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, searched the World Wide Web and various other databases, referred to a German-English Dictionary, and spoke to numerous soldiers in my National Guard Unit on their views and opinions of the above mentioned annual training exercise.

My only real recommendation for the soldiers involved in this deployment to Europe is to always remember that you are an American Soldier and are a guest in this country. What you do and how others perceive what you do, is what will make who you are.