Stanley And Blanche example essay topic

351 words
Throughout the play, A Streetcar Named Desire, Stella is caught between the two very different worlds of reality and illusion as represented by Stanley and Blanche. Blanche, a gentle woman without a real sense of actuality, and Stanley, the down-to-earth husband, were in a constant struggle over Stella's loyalty with her serving as the bridge between the two. Blanche DuBois is Stella's older sister. Instead of facing life in everyday light, she would rather exist in a world of shadows. She admits to misrepresenting the truth, and wants things misrepresented to her. Since the suicide of her husband many years ago, Blanche has preferred to live in a world of her own making and magic.

Stanley Kowalski is blunt and, at times, crude. He wants people to be straightforward, flirting is not for him. Stanley did not grow up in the same aristocratic atmosphere that Blanche and Stella did. He has a cynical outlook on life, and needs to see the facts before he believes something. Blanche refers to Stanley as a primitive and ape-like being. Unlike Blanche, Stanley looks at the facts forthright.

Stella is well bred, but has abandoned that lifestyle for one in the French Quarter among people Blanche considered below her. She is the link between the two different worlds of upper and lower class. Stella's relationship with Stanley is somewhat primitive, though they love each other deeply. Stella also loves her sister, but pities her at the same time. Stella is also continually trying to avoid confrontations between the two people she loves most. She criticizes Stanley for making life rough for Blanche and not having any sympathy.

At the same time, she tries to make Blanche see things form Stanley's point of view. Stella is the connecting bridge between these two very different forces. In conclusion, Blanche represented the world of illusion, and Stanley symbolized reality. Stella was the one link between these two very diverse people in the play, A Streetcar Named Desire..