Start And Seamus Begley At The End example essay topic

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The First Day back at School By Tr " iona Buckley, Just thinking about it makes me nervous. It is like starting off at junior infants again. This year I'm starting secondary school, approximately 10 miles from home. I'm on my own.

I know nobody else starting with me. I can imagine my surroundings, as I got a great tour of the school on the open day. The smell of the big hall where we will all gather. Mr. O' Brien, the principal will probably welcome us. We are the only class to go in on Friday August 31st. Hopefully I will make some friends.

Even travelling on the bus is a new venture for me. I am excited and anxious about this new journey. Chapter 1 I live on a cattle and dairy farm. We milk the cows twice a day but I do it mostly in the evenings. First we put out the ration and gather up the cows and when they have finished eating we start the milking. Towards the end of the milking we feed the calves and the cattle and leave off the milking cows.

If one of the cows are cross one of us has to sit on her back and hold back her tail. We have a cat that had five kittens. One of them is black and the other four have white on their noses and white on their paws. We are giving two kittens to our cousin for her birthday.

Our nana had the mother of our cat but that cat was killed on the road. She also had six kittens. We gave one to our nana, one to our cousin and kept one for ourselves. The other three died. One of them was nearly eaten by our dog but I saw the dog with the kitten in his mouth and got the kitten back.

She was alive, but after a couple of days she died. We found the other two dead. We used to have a dog and two puppies but they ran away. We have six fish one each for my brothers, one each for my sisters and one spare.

I have to feed the fish once a day and every three weeks I have to clean out one third of the tank and every three months the whole tank. The reason I have the tank is because I won it in a project I did on birds. Celina and I were coming home from Bandon when we saw a dead badger and a dead cat on the road. Another day when I was walking on my way to my Nana's I saw two dead birds and when we were coming home I saw a pheasant walk across the road and hop into the next field. We have a lot of pigeons and sparrows around the yard. There are blue tits, robins and sometimes even a yellow hammer.

I also saw a swallow nest in our garage and a field mouse scurrying into its hole in the ditch. Chapter 2 Recently there was foot and mouth disease in England and Ireland, but Ireland got the better of it. It was a very contageous disease, which spread quickly. Only cloven hoofed animals can get it.

They get blisters in their mouth and blisters in their feet so they can't eat or walk. To stop the disease from spreading the animals with the disease must be slaughtered, and the neighbour's cattle. Then they must be burned on a big bonfire. They get pallets and put the cattle on top. One of the bonfires was so big that it was 1 km long. It travelled through the air into France, Belgium and other countries.

One time one of the men involved in slaughtering the cattle actually got foot and mouth disease, but it is not as dangerous for humans. For our holidays last year we went to England. It looked a bit like Ireland but the roads were very confusing. We went to visit our two grandaunts and when we were looking for Cadbury's factory we saw people playing cricket. In Cadbury's factory you get free sweets and you go through kind of a maze, and in the middle they show you how they make the chocolate. We also went to Alton Towers.

It was brilliant. There were loads of rides and different places like Storybook land, Adventure land, X-sector, Ug land, Forbidden valley, and Gloomy wood. There were also monorails and sky rides. The two rides that looked really scary were the Oblivion and the Nemesis.

My favorite ride was the Corkscrew because it went upside down and really fast. One time we went to the Zoo where you would drive around in your car like ina safari park. A camel nearly bit off Celina's finger because she put her hand out the window and our cousin closed up the widow and it got stuck but I rolled down the window just in time. They had all sorts of animals like wolves tigers, and buffalo's and ostriches.

One of the ostriches was picking at one of the side mirrors looking at her reflection and wouldn't stop. Chapter 3 There was a Fleadh Cheoil in Mac room and I was competing in a group. It was on from Friday to Sunday. We were competing in a lot of competitions on Sunday and Saturday like Ceol Beirte, Bodhhran, Ceol Tri " ur, Buion Cheoil Chili, Grupai Cheoil that the under 15's won, and Consartina.

Celina took part in the Ceol Beirte, Ceol Tri " ur, Buion Cheoil, Consartina and Grupai Cheoil. I took part in the Grupai Cheoil and English Singing. The under 12's didn't get placed in the Grupai Cheoil, then under 15's came 1st and the under 18's came 3rd. Everyone who competed got a certificate. We entered a lot of solos, duets and tri " urs. Our music teacher has changed her garden alot.

She put a pond in it and a rockery. S'ile De Vale re will be opening the music centre and the Lord Mayor of Cork on the 6th of July. There will be a barbecue and a marquee. We were helping our music teacher plant her garden. We planted flowers like red and white delves heather, lobelia and surfin ias. We were at a monster chile in the Duh allow Loge.

There was a lot of people there and Seamus Begley was playing there. We were playing at the start and Seamus Begley at the end. It went on for a very long time because we came home at 4 O'clock in the morning. Seamus Begley presented our medals to us that we won in the Fleadh Cheoil. At the end we had a small session and went home.