State's Missile Defense System example essay topic

544 words
The Secretary of Missile Defense Mark Thompson writes in "The Secretary of Missile Defense" that there is no one as familiar with the frustrations of building missile defenses as Donald Rumsfeld. This is Rumsfeld's second chance at improving the United State's missile defense system; his first was back in 1975 under the command of President Ford. Mr. Rumsfeld failed at his first attempt because the high cost of unexplored technology was an inevitable set back. Twenty - five years later, "Rummy" as friends call him, was back and presenting a whole new front. President Bush committed to the project with no limits regarding cost or technology.

Now that a successful missile defense was possible it seemed as if it was essential to America's national security. The real question now lies at Rumsfeld's feet, will this gamble pay off? Because of the lack of political will to construct a successful missile shield, Thompson explains, the Clinton administration claimed many criticizers. Realistically speaking the United States' only guarantee specifies that this project will take time, however, technologically speaking the success of this missile shield is billions upon billions of dollars away. The belief that a strong missile defense is needed is rather low consequently based on Clinton's two failing trials previously. However, Bush and Rumsfeld were given the go - sign to begin research on how to improve Clinton's methods.

The task now at hand is playing the part of a salesman. Although the mood overseas is quite faint, Rumsfeld and his highly lucrative diplomats are continuing to spread out all over the world in hopes of making believers of this missile shield. As an incentive, Thompson remarks, President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair have agreed to reduce their nuclear weapons stock pile to entice both allies and foes into embracing a more defensive strategic balance. Briggs 2 Critics are quick to analyze by asking, "This is not the old Star Wars idea of a shield that will keep everything off of everyone in the world?" Rumsfeld replied by exclaiming that this system, if successful, will persuade countries or terrorists against blackmailing and intimidating the United States and its allies.

It is the belief of China that this "Star Wars" idea would trigger a new arms race across the world. China described their missiles as specs of sawdust in comparison to two by fours against the United State's possible new system. Despite the opinion that this action would force China to produce more nuclear arms, forcing India to produce more nuclear arms, which would force Pakistan to produce more nuclear arms; Moscow seemed suprisingly calm. President Putin of Russia holds the belief that the world is forever changing and many new and improved defenses are necessary.

The only downside that the United States is truly pondering at this time is the extreme cost. Disregarding all public opinion, the Pentagon figures that this project will cost roughly five to ten billion dollars annually over the next twenty years. The whole world is eagerly waiting too see what the United States will do, Describes Thompson, but for now Rummy seems to have caught the world's ears.