Stone Tools example essay topic

313 words
-Scientists disagree about how long people have been on earth - 40,000 years to 2 million 1 discoveries in Africa 2 Tanzania - found remains that may be million years old 3 Also found tools - stone with 4 Technology - the use of skills and tools to meet practical needs 5 Stone tools found in the great rift valley in tanzania 6 Old stone age the period of human prehistory that lasted until about 12000 years ago during which stone tools were the most common technology used by humans 7 Remains of ancient animal bones found with the stone tools suggest that early people hunted for survival 8 Technology of fire building made it possible to cook food for the first time and people could more into colder climates 9 Border cave - Zululand on the northeastern tip of south Africa 10 Border cave people 11 Lined the caves dirt floor with grass for bedding 12 Made campfires to cook on and to cook on and to light the caves drakes 13 Traveled far to hunt the eland herds 14 Used bows and arrows to kill animals for food 15 Knew about planets - food medicine 16 They were hunter - gatherers people of the old stone age who met their needs by hunting animals and gathering plants 17 Small baby buried with a seashell bead: reveals important things about the border cave people the baby was deeply are for people believed the baby would 18 Live on after death - religious beliefs they traveled to the shores to get the bead they valued beauty earliest sign of art in human culture 40,000 years ago 19 Ancient artists expressed themselves through artwork 20 Artifacts from stone age 21 Arrowheads - N. America 22 Fire starters - S. America 23 Fishing sinkers -africa 24 Bead necklace - asia 25 Spear thrower - Europe.