Store One Day example essay topic

439 words
20. a) Active listening: I went to the store one day and I saw a kid zip by me on his bicycle. He crashed into a pole, so I went up to see if he was ok, his voice was very quiet and he was crying, so I had to pay a lot of attention to what he was trying to say, he told me that his mother was inside the convenience store, so I went in, saw a lady looking like she was a mother, asked her if she had a son riding a bike, and told her about the accident when she said she did. b) Know Your Audience: This story isn't about me using the Know Your Audience communication skill, but me not using it. We were having a family reunion, I was like 13 years old, and back then it was cool to call everything "gay", so basically we went around playing and in every sentence we said to eachother we'd say nd he got really mad at us, and gave me my cousins and brothers a long lecture. c) Conflict Resolution At my old school when I was younger there was this really hyper guy that would get really angry, and like pick up baseball bats and threaten you if he was mad. So one day we were playing a big game of soccer (he was on the other team), and I scored, so he got extremely mad at me. He came up to me and started to threaten me, I told him I was sorry and walked away, instead of starting a fight or provoking him. d) Consensus Building I had a meeting with some people about what we were going to do for our science project.

Basically we all had an idea, and for everyones idea one of the 5 group members would say "good" or "bad", and who evers idea had the most "goods" would be the idea we used. e) Constructive Criticism Was playing my friend in a video game, that he thought he was really good at, but was actually horrible. I told him to his face that he sucked, then gave him suggestions on how he could improve by changing his keys and his playing style. Birth: JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember, Email: We require that you submit one of your own papers. This helps findfr ssays. com grow and add new papers! All data submitted becomes the property of findfr ssays. com and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not submit copyrighted material!