Structure Of Nationalized Industries example essay topic

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As I began to create my ideal world, I realized that what I wanted was a mix of three different governments / cultures. I wanted (and still do) a government truly of and for the people. I also wanted a government that was minimalist, one that made sure there was some kind of order and peace, but one that was well, personal, while not interfering too much with the rights of it's citizens. Additionally, Wanted a government that would allow private industry, small businesses, and limited corporations. Thisgovernment would regulate the economy by being in charge of major industries and the minimum wage. Thisgovernment would even the playing field for everyone who wanted to play on it.

Education would be excellent, but driven by the wants of the individual. Basically, I wanted a government that did not fit well into any of Stewart's categories. Please forgive me if this essay sounds vague at times, because without being able to mimic typical governments, my nation is difficult to describe in the way Stewart describes what has been before. My nation is neither Democratic Socialist, nor Radical Liberal, nor Anarchist (though would have loved to created an Anarchist culture, Was afraid to, after all, I am a child of the Regan years) I suppose you " ll just have to read along and discern what type of government this is by how I describe it. In my previous 'My Way' essay, I described a world in which a person was taken care of by the government and themselves throughout their lives.

Because of effective birth control methods implemented in the year 2000, the population of the United States decreased slowly, allowing for more change to take place because there were basically fewer people to complicate the change in governmental structure. From birth until death, a citizen was covered by the national health care system. This national system included all hospitals and doctors under in 2050, a medical 'umbrella' for the entire nation. As life continued for a citizen of America in 2050, he or she would enter into their local school system, based upon Montessori-style education.

Within 12-14 years, they would graduate with the experience of a semester abroad and an Associates degree. The school system isn't based so much upon technological advances as it is by fundamental changes in the way the school system teaches children. A graduate, if they choose to, can go on to college, with financial support from the government. This financial support is based upon need and merit. Once citizen graduates, they may go into the public or private center for a career. The private center is much like it is today, in a Radical Liberal nation like our own.

Outside of small business and corporations, major industry is controlled by the nation. When a citizen passes the age of 60, they received Social Security, but in 2050, Social Security is actually enough to live on. Under Social Security benefits include senior centers, nursing homes, a swell as several other programs that helped make golden years enjoyable, if not bearable. To create the type of world I'd like to live in, everyone would have to accept the following cultural truths: 1.

'It's not getting there that matters, it's being there. ' People in 2050 are more likely to improve their situation for themselves and others, regardless of what they have to go through to achieve what is best for them. This is different from the 'don't rock the boat' mentality of 1998, where it is better to go though no pain now, and more pain latter. 2.

'We are the government; we are 'them', we are " they'. ' With this paradigm in place, citizens feel that they are an active voice in their government, unlike 1998, where many people feel like they have no voice in government. 3. 'If it won't be good for our grandchildren's future, it is not good for us. ' In this paradigm, citizens would not do anything that would not benefit future generations. This would create great amounts of forethought and planning the nation, resulting in abetter future and present situation.

In today " society, people are more likely to do what is convenient than what is smartest in the long run. 4. 'Education and experience is the key to self actualization. ' Through this paradigm, and the education system that has been implemented in 2050 creates citizens who have actualized their potential and are living fulfilling lives. 5. 'Everyone is equal.

We are brothers and sisters (in Christ). ' Whether this is taken religiously or not is not as important, what is important is that everyone treats each other as equals. This means that they aren't jealous or competing with one another. People will simply strive to achieve their best.

6. 'Children are the greatest gifts and responsibilities to our nation. ' With the birth control programs that were implemented, children have become more than an obligation to the nation. This changes the way in which the nation deals with children's issues; from just covering the basics of education, health care, and social services, the nation strives to help each generation of children achieve the most that they can. 7. the nation strives to help each generation of children achieve the most that they can.

The governmental system of my world of 2050 is similar to that of America, 1998, but with a few changes. The basic system is Radical Liberal but it lacks a party system. American government of 2050 still has checks and balances, as well as universal suffrage. Though the structure of the three branches remains basically the same, the single member districts changed slightly, because of the lack of a party system. The single member districts cover larger areas to reduce the amount of candidates in primaries. To qualify as a candidate, a citizen must petition the public, and receive at least 5,000 signatures.

America of 2050 has a mixed economy, part capitalist, part socialist. There is free enterprise within a somewhat managed economy. I liked Bellamy's idea of a nation who supplies what it's people need, so I decided to create a system in which businesses can be created by citizens, but one in which the government is in control of the major industries. These industries are that of energy, , water, telephone access, and farming.

Each of these departments would be set up to provide the most efficient, cost-effective, widespread service and quality goods. All of these industries would fall under the national umbrella, as shown in Bellamy " 's Looking Backward. My year 2050 is very similar to that of today, but with fewer people, and less waste created by the nationalization of the above industries, and different paradigms, my year 2050 creates a more pleasant nation to live in. With a national health care system in which every cost is covered by the nation, each citizen lives a healthy life, one in which they are physically able to achieve his or her goals. As a citizen in 2050, a person has the right to an excellent education, made possible for everyone because of the smaller amounts of students in schools. The paradigms of 2050 create a community in which people see each other as equals and this creates more harmonious interaction between individuals.

The structure of nationalized industries produces products that are inexpensive and efficient. The new structure of government allows regular people to communicate with and effect government without selling out to apolitical party. Perhaps my system isn't perfect, but it is the best possible idea I can conceive of right now. I just wanted to create a system that would in turn, create a community of individuals who really cared about each other. In each of the systems I looked at, I found good and bad points, so I took as many of the good points from all of them to create the best system I could. So, this is my system; one in which healthy, educated people live together in a community, supported by a system of checks and balances, which keep a just and stable government.