Stupid Bloody Mr Jones example essay topic

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"Ok, ok... I'm working all right, now can you please leave me alone. If we have to write a dumb story then can I please do it without you looking over my shoulder?" Good. I think that's gotten rid of him at last. Stupid bloody Mr. Jones, Expects me to write a story with him looking over my shoulder and telling me how perfect my sister Ella is. Well I've got some news for him.

My name's not Ella and I'm not perfect. "Tegan, what do you think you " re doing? I thought I told you to sit over there on the computer in the corner? Now get back to your seat and do some work for once.

The only reason that I'm not sending you to time-out young lady is that I know that's where you want to be". Damn, I thought I' gotten away with it too. This class is so boring so I decided I might go for a little 'walk' outside. I'm actually quite surprised that he saw me; he has that much crap on his glasses that usually couldn't see the difference between a ladybug and a cup of coffee. Maybe he took out a loan and bought a rag to wipe them with. This is boring this is boring this is boring this is boring this is boring this is boring "Mr. Jones, can I go to the toilet?"No"Why the hell not"Don't use that tone of voice with me young lady"Why not"Because recess was twenty minutes ago, you should " ve gone then"I didn't need to go then"Tegan that's enough, sit down"You can't not let me go, it's a human right to be able to pee"SIT DOWN"Ok, ok, don't get your knickers in a knot".

God, its like he wants me to piss on the floor or something. Oh I get it, that's what he does. Fat chance buster. Only people as disgusting as him do things like that. I guess I better make a start on this stupid story if I want to get out of here alive.

He might sit on me or do something equally as disgusting. Gross. Nah, I'm too tired. My stupid twin sister Ella the angel child was up all night crying, so of course mum and dad were running around like the house was on fire, making sure she was alright. It ended up she only had a tummy ache, maybe the pizza we had for tea was too greasy for her delicate little tum-tum. "Tegan, why aren't you working?

You " ve been staring at the ceiling for the last five minutes; now get on with it."I was having a break Sir"Well don't, you can have a break at lunch time."Fine"Tegan if you use that tone of voice one more time I'm going to call your mother"OKAY"Shock, horror, you mean he's going to call my mum? Come on Mr. Jones, even you have to know that mum doesn't care what I do anymore. Maybe he's mistaken me for Ella the angel child. Now if she hadn't been doing her work then Mum would probably take her into hospital to have her brain scanned.

I need to piss I need to piss I need to piss I need to piss I need to piss I need to piss "Okay year nine, ten minutes until you shut down your computers but I want theses stories done by Friday, and I don't want little one page stories I want decent ones with some effort put into them, that includes you Tegan". Great, I get a special little mention of my own do I? Lucky me. But I'm afraid Mr. Jones, that the likelihood of me starting, let alone finishing this dumb story is very close to zero. "Shut the computers down now please, the bell's about to go" Yes. I'm free at last; I can go home and sit in my room while Angel child is doing her homework.

Then when mum and dad go out Ella the angel child can baby-sit me, even though we " re exactly the same age. Sounds like fun. "Tegan, we " re going to take Ella to the doctors. She's been sick all day. I'm not sure what time we will get back, but for goodness sake, do some homework and stop watching that stupid soccer replay".

So mum and dad are now at the doctors, so I decided that I'd get on this crappy old computer that is so slow and start this stupid story thing. If I don't have anything written Mr. Jones might eat me alive! I'm not kidding; with a belly the size of his I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem slurping me down in one big gulp. I've changed my mind now though.

I can't be bothered doing this stupid story, and anyway, stupid Ella doesn't have to do her homework so why should I? "Tegan, get off that game NOW! I've had enough of having to tell you what to do. I want you working on that story in thirty seconds or you " re out" Okay, okay, keep your shirt on Mr. Jones.

(Gross! I don't even want to think about what would happen if he didn't). It's not like I'm going to learn anything more writing this dumb story than I am by playing solitaire. Mum and dad didn't even come home last night. Mum called me at like ten o'clock, right in the middle of Rove; to say Ella was in hospital. She said that Ella's appendix had burst, and she had to have an operation.

Mum also said that they wouldn't be home for the rest of the night. It's unlike Ella to cause this much trouble; I never thought I'd say this but I hope she's okay. I guess Ella the angel child isn't that bad. It does get a bit annoying how mum and dad are always oohing and aahing over everything she does but I guess that's not her fault. I really do hope she is okay. I wonder what happens when your appendix bursts?

I don't know what I would do without my twin sister. "Okay year nine that's it. I want you all to start printing off your stories. I want them all on my desk in five minutes". Ha- ha Mr. Jones, I'm sorry but I haven't even started your stupid story.

I've made it through the whole week sitting on my bum doing nothing, and there's nothing you can do about it. So there. "Ok, ok... Fat chance buster. Gross. Nah, I'm too tired.

Lucky me. Sounds like fun. She's been sick all day. So there..