Sweat Including Bertha example essay topic

316 words
Analy zation Of "Sweat' DelvinAnalyzation Of "Sweat' Essay, Research Paper D elvin Ollie Mrs. Dias College Composition M-W-F 11: 00-11: 50? Sweat? The setting of the short story? Sweat? , by Zora Neale Hurston, is vital in order to receive understanding. This short story took place in the 1920-1930?'s.

The location of the story was Eaton ville, Florida in Spring. The main character of this story was also its protagonist. Delia, meaning goddess of the hunt, loyal and humble, was a God-fearing woman who goes through some trials in her life, but knows that God will handle it. Delia Jones, representing every woman, is a housewife who works for white people. She is very organized and did every job to the best of her ability.

Sykes, meaning sickness, is the antagonist and Delia's husband. Sykes is a morally-deprived individual, who seems lost. This philanderer seems to do anything and everything in his power to hurt Delia, without any regard for her feelings. He was an adult rist who has the? guts? to bring the woman to the Delia's house. Sykes promises Delia's things to Bertha, his mistress.

He wants desperately to get rid of Delia. These are many supporting roles in? Sweat? , including Bertha, the woman Sykes participated in an affair. Jim Merchant, Joe Lindsay, Joe Clarke, Elijah Mostly, and Old Man Anderson played supportive, yet important, roles. These names were symbolic of average people, and each character added suspense and liveliness to this short story.? Sweat? could have several different theme.

Some people say that Zora Neale Hurston is trying to show how everyone gets their? just deserts? in due time, meaning? what's comes around, goes around.? Others say the author is displaying the fact that all people, no matter how good.