T Form And Repair Bone Tissue 6 example essay topic
Of short bones are in wrists and ankle bones 5. Flat bones are plate like structures 6. Ex of Flat bones are plate like structures 7. Irregular bones vary in size 8. Irregular bones vary in size 9. Examples of irregular bones are those of the vertebra and some facial bones 10.
Round bones are also called bones i. They are small and modular and embedded in tendons ii. Example is the patella (kneecap) B. Parts of a long bone 1. An expanded end of a long bone is an epiphysis 2. An epiphysis articulates with another bone 3. Articular Cartilage is located on the epiphysis 4.
The shaft of a long bone is called a diaphysis 5. Periosteum functions t form and repair bone tissue 6. Periosteum is a tough, vascular, fibrous membrane covering the diaphysis of a bone 7. Processes provide sites for attachment of tendons or ligaments 8. The wall of the diaphysis is composed of compact bone 9. Compact bone has no gaps 10.
Epiphysis is composed of spongy bone 11. Spongy bone consists of bony plates called trabeculae 12. A bone is composed of spongy and compact bone 13. A canal called the medullary cavity runs through the diaphysis 14.
The endosteum lines this cavity and spaces of the spongy bone 15. Endosteum contains bone forming cells 16. The tissue that fills the spaces of the bone is called marrow 17. The two forms of marrow are red and yellow marrow. Microscopic Structure 1. Intro a.
Bone cells are called. Lacunae are tiny chambers that contain. Lacunae form concentric that contain. Osteocytes transport nutrients and wastes to and from the nearby cells. Cellular process of the pass through the canaliculi f. The intercellular matrix of bone is composed of collagen and inorganic salts 2.
Compact Bones. An osteo n is a cylinder shape unit of compact bone. The substance of compact bone is formed from many cemented together. Each central canal contains blood vessels and nerves. Pereforating canals connect. Pereforating canals contain layers vessels and nerves 3.
Spongy Bone. Spongy bone is composed of and intercellular material. b. Unlike compact bone, the bone cells do not aggregate around central canals. c. Instead the cells lie within the trabeculae d. Bone cells get canaliculi that lead to the surface of trabeculae II Bone Development and Growth A. Introduction 1. Parts of the skeleton begin to form during the first few weeks of prenatal development 2.
Bony structures continue to grow until adulthood 3. Bones form by replacing existing connective tissue 4. Intramembranous bones originate within sheet like layers of connective tissue 5. Endochondral bo ens originate within cartilage. Intramembranous Bones 1. Examples of bones are flat bones of th skull 2.
Osteogenesis is bone development 3. During their development, membrane like layers of primitive connective tissue appear at the sites of their future bones 4. Networks of blood vessels supply the connective tissue layers 5. Osteoblasts are bone forming cells 6. Osteoblasts deposit bony matrix around themselves 7. Spongy bone can turn compact if the spaces fill w / bone matrix 8.
As development continues, osteoblasts may become surrounded by matrix 9. Matrix surrounding the process of osteoblasts may become surrounded by matrix 10. Once isolated, osteoblasts become 11. Periosteum comes from cells of the primitive connective tissue that persist outside of the developing bone. 12. Compact bone is formed by osteoblasts on the inside of periosteum 13.
Intramembranous ossification is the process if replacing connective tissue to form an intra membranous bone. D. Endochondral Bones 1. Most of the bones are these types of bone 2. They develop as masses of hyaline cartilage 3. Eventually the cartilage decomposes forming periosteum from connective tissue that encircles that developing structure 4. Blood vessels and undifferentiated connective tissue cells invade the disintegrating tissue 5. Some of these cells become osteoblasts 6.
Ostoeblasts form the spongy bone in the spaces previously housed by cartilage 7. Endochondral ossification is the process of forming an endo chondral bone by the replacement of hyaline cartilage.