Technological Solutions example essay topic
Without limits to our consumption, catastrophic consequences are in evita-be for the environment and those who inhabit it. Such af-ter-affects of technological misuse include global warming, deforestation, pesticide poisoning, ozone depletion, acid rain, and species loss. Hence, solutions to remedy these by-products of limited consumption are the basis for con-trover sy among people in present day society. Moreover, if the theories of modern ecology and sus-tain ability (or lack there of) hold true, the ramifications of this ideology become global. Dobson creatively illus-t rates in his book that there are not any simple solutions to correcting the shadowy future that industrialism is be-stowing upon us. The author further emphasizes two crit i-cal features in relation to ecology and sustainability.
The first is that technological solutions will not bring fourth infinite materials in a finite system. Secondly, the exponential growth of industrialism promises that Earth's resources are unsustainable in lieu of the growing population. With that having been said, the challenge of the ecological movement is to convince the consensus that change is prudent. The heart of the debate of limited con-sumption involves the trade offs required to achieve sus-tain able development.
For now, the majority of society would rather leave the grievances of and social change for the future generations to deal with, rather than conserving today, in order to plan for tom or-row. Here, I mean conserving in the sense of not merely "cutting back", but actually re-thinking the technological processes utilized to achieve the luxuries that we as a so-city have become so accustomed to. However, if society resolved to save the world today, the most valued promise of achieving sustainable develop-men would lie in the following grass-roots efforts which involve: satisfying basic needs, optimum use and protection of the environment, and empowerment of groups and commune-ties. Without any doubt, the sustainable development of eco-logical and social systems would require extensive design-ing. Sustainability would be an arduous goal to achieve, and possibly even more so to maintain. The principle stan-dad that society would have to conform to would be scaling down on technologies appropriate to the task, and utilizing efforts which have a low impact on the environment, period.
The vital question remains... will global catastrophe have to literally snuff-out society's very existence, in order to force us to become environmentally conscience, but only to realize that it is too late? Likewise, will society grasp the magnitude of environmental ethics? The solution will come fourth when society assumes responsibility for the planet and all its inhabitants. Either society will vow to live each day so as to leave the lightest possible footprints on the planet, or the planet will decide that society will leave no foot-prints on it at all.
Work Cited: World Wide Web " Ecologist" web baxter. html web.