Territory Lifestyles example essay topic

424 words
INTRODUCTION The Darwin Harbour region supports a diverse range of flora and fauna. It is also subject to a variety of activities that have been identified or at least perceived to be vital to maintaining the 'Territory's unique way of life!' This is the catch cry of politicians and public activists of all descriptions in the Northern Territory whenever there is a perceived threat to either the status quo or ideals held close to an individuals heart. It is a rallying call designed to bind public opinion on emotive reasons rather than on a sound and rational basis. The 'Territory's unique way of life' is a fallacy. Yes we live in a climate that is unusual when compared to southern states and our remoteness presents some challenges not encountered by other more developed states but these factors do not make us unique. North W. A and North Qld are in a similar position to us.

It is these same politicians that espouse the need to maintain 'Territory lifestyles' that are working overtime to remove that lifestyle. This is not such a bad thing. AUTHORS NOTE: Circa 1975 the "Territory lifestyle' was a blue single ted, blue stubbed male, wearing thongs if he was dressing up, driving his ute or 4 wd out to the Noonamah pub on a Sunday - Noonamah being the only pub open - to solve the worlds problems over a few beers (approx. 12-24). His 'missus', if he was married, did whatever she likes just as long as she didn't bother him and D.U. I wasn't a problem because drink driving wasn't an issue back then.

In fact many of the off duty police frequented the pub for exactly the same reasons. This 'lifestyle' can still be seen, albeit with some modifications in many of our community members and politicians today but it should be noted they are a dying breed. This is a bit of a joke for I'm sure it would be possible to argue similar 'lifestyles' around Australia in the same era. The point I am trying to make is that talk of maintaining the 'Territory's unique way of life' is irrelevant. What is more important is the underlying theme of these catch cries.

It is recognized that we live in a region that is developing rapidly and therefore there is a need to plan effectively for the future in order to maintain the 'general lifestyle' we enjoy in the Territory.