Texas A M University example essay topic

755 words
Personal Statement When I was a child of four or five, I could often be seen following my mother around asking her to speak "spanglish" to me. Once I had accomplished the task of getting her to speak "Spanglish", she would not stop. It would often agitate me so much, that I would throw myself into a fit of tears begging her to stop, and speak English. This simple act of interest in my mother's heritage as well as my own, has led to many accomplishments and goals that might not have occurred if I had not taken an interest in my history. Born November 23, 1984, weighing six pounds and twelve and half ounces I was not only born into this world, but into a deep, richly cultured Hispanic background that led from Mexico. My great grandfather entered the United States as a young teen from Monterrey, Mexico with no education, and no money.

All he had to offer an employer were two hands and a body that was willing to work in order to stay in the U.S... Mexican immigrants during the early twentieth century were paid little and often discriminated against, yet they were still willing to work hard to make the necessary sacrifices so that their families may live in a better world. It was through my great-grandfather's perseverance, and determination that led to the elements that I have achieved personally and academically. As a child I was often teased because I was so tall, but now I have found that it is to my advantage. In the sport that I play most girls are six feet tall and above, so you can imagine that I fit right in since I stand at six feet. Volleyball is a game that is considerably more popular and competitive than it used to be, and I consider myself lucky to play it.

I have lettered two years and have had the privilege to make that All-state team, as well as have college offers. Even though I love the sport I feel that if I did play collegiate division I would not have a chance to concentrate on my studies. This sport has been one of my greatest personal achievements. William Butler Yeats once said, "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire".

School isn't just about the grades, it's about learning to learn and love learning. To do that, failure is often found, but so is success. My academic success has allowed me membership in such respected organizations as, the National Honor Society, the National Honor Roll, Who's Who Among High School Students, and the Hispanic Honor Society. Achieving such success has allowed me to further advance my educational career by having the opportunity to go to Texas A&M University or Texas Christian University. I plan to get a masters in Business with a minor in Spanish, so that I may have the opportunity to work elsewhere in the world. Robert Frost wrote", Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference".

This quote alone sets me apart from my peers, it describes how I want to take knowledge and mold it into something so extraordinarily different, that I make the path that I have chosen, my own. Today the average community has an unacceptable rate of unemployment, crime, and violence. Luckily, more and more teenagers are willing to take part in lending a hand in their community to help lower these statistics. I have been involved in my church's food pantry every summer, Meals on Wheels, Keep Midland Beautiful, and most recently the INTERACT program. I plan to keep participating in similar organizations when I attend college, because it helps me to appreciate what I have and I also hope that my efforts may have in some small way improved my community. I plan to major in Business at Texas A&M University in College Station.

The cost of tuition, fees and room and board is about $14,000 per year. I have about $8,500 dollars in my savings account. I plan on working while attending college, but with the high costs involved, I feel it is prudent to evaluate all of the scholarships available. Please consider my application and contact me at your earliest convenience.