The Lover Man Friend example essay topic

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There once lived a chief's daughter who had many friends. All the young men in the village wanted to have her for their wife, and were all wanted to fill her bucket when she went to the stream for water. There was a young man in the village who wasa good hunter; but he was poor and from a mean family. He loved the chick and when she went for water, he threw his towel over her head while he whispered in her ear: "Be my wife. I dont have alot but I am young and strong.

I will treat you good, I love you". For a long time the chick did not answer, but one day she whispered back. "Yes, you may ask my father if you can marry me. But first you must do something honorable. I belong to a great family and have many friends.

You must go on a mission and bring back the scalp of an enemy". The young man answered, "I will try to do as you ask. I am only a hunter, not a warrior. Whether I shall be brave I do " nt know. But I will try to take a scalp for your sake". So he made a war party of seven friends, himself and six other young men.

They wandered through the enemy's country, hoping to get a chance to strike. But no one came, for they found no one of the enemy. "Our medicine is all gone", said their leader. "We shall have to return home".

Before they started they sat down to smoke and chill by a nice lake at the foot of a green hi that rose from its shore. The hi was covered with green grass and somehow as they looked at it they had a feeling that there was something about it that was weird. But there was a young guy in the party called the prankster, this guy was pretty crazy and full of fun. Looking at the hill he said: "Let's run and jump on its top."No", said the young loverguy, "it looks creepy. Site and finish your toke."Oh, come on, who's afraid", said the prankster, laughing.

"Come on man, don't be a wuss!" and jumping to his feet he ran up the side of the hill. Four of the young guys followed. Having reached the top of the hill all five started to jump, calling, "Come on bro. come on", to the others. Suddenly they stopped the hill had begun to move toward the water. It was a gigantic turtle. The five friends yelled out in startle ment and tried to run but it was too late!

Their feet by some power were held to the monster's back. "Help us", they cried; but the others could " nt do anything. In a few moments the waves had closed over them. The other two men, the lover and his friend, went on, but with sad hearts.

After some days, they came to a river. They were tired so the loverguy threw himself down on the ground saying "I'm gunna go to sleep for a while I'm pretty damn tired". and the friend said "And I will go down to the water and see if I can score some fish. And luckily enough, he found a fish which he cleaned, and then called to the lover guy. "Come and eat the fish with me. I cleaned it up and made a fire and it's cooking. "No, you eat it; let me rest man", said the loverman.

"Oh, come on lazy bones."No, let me rest damn it."But you are my friend. I wont eat unless you share it with me bro."Fine, I'll eat the damn fish, but you must first make a promise. If I eat the fish, you have to promise, pledge yourself, to get me all the water that I can drink."I promise", said the other, and the two ate the fish from there pot they brought. When they were done eating, the pot was rinsed out and the lover man friend brought it back full of water.

The lover man drank alot of water. "Bring me more", he said. Again his friend filled the pot at the river and again the loverman drank it dry. "More damnit more!" he cried. "Oh, I am tired. Cant you go to the river and get it yourself?" asked his friend.

"Remember your promise."Ya, but Im tired, so get your own damn water."Uh oh, I knew something was goin to happen", said the loverboy sadly. He walked to the river and jumped in, and lying down in the water he drank so much water his friend couldnt believe it. Time after to time he called to his friend. "Come here, so called friend See what happens when you brake your promise".

The friend came and was flaberghasted to see that the loverboy was now a fish from his feet to his stomach. Again and again he came back to check on him. The loverman was now a fish all the way up to his neck. The loverman knew it was to late for him so he asked his friend to tell the chiefs daughter that he loved her all the way to the end and he died for her.

And to take this belt that she gave me and return it to her. The friend said ok and headed home, while the lover man now was a lover fishy that swam out to the middle of the river and stayed there only with his top fin exposed. The friend went home and told his story. The village was in greif for the six other men. The chiefs daughter was so touched by the story she made the loverman now lover fish some clothes and sent them to the fish to show her loyalty and she also promised him that since he gave up his life for her she will be completely loyal to him for the rest of her life.