The Roman Catholic Faith example essay topic

700 words
Hello my name is Ugo Buoncompagni. I was born in Bologna, Italy on the seventh of January 1502. I studied jurisprudence at the University of Bologna where I graduated at an early age as doctor of canon and of civil law. I later taught jurisprudence at the same university. In 1539 I went to Rome by the request of Cardinal Pa rizzio. Pope Paul appointed me to be the judge of the Capitol, and papal abbreviator.

In 1545 Paul sent me to the council of Trent as one of his jurists. The council was held for two main reasons: to determine the doctrines of the Church and to respond to the controversial and unorthodox opinion of the Protestants. When I returned to Rome I held a few different offices in the Roman Curia under Julius, who appointed me pro legate of the Campagna in 1555. In 1558 I was appointed Bishop of Vi esti. Before this time I wasn't even ordained a priest. The next year I was sent back to the Council of Trent as Pope Pius IV's confidential deputy for the rest of the council, which ended in 1566.

When I got back the same pope made me the Cardinal Priest of San Sis to. In 1564 I was sent to Spain to investigate the suspected heresy of Archbishop Bartolom'e Carranza of Toledo. While I was there I was appointed secretary of papal Briefs. After Pius V was elected I returned to my office in Rome. When Pius V died I was elected pope and if you haven't already guessed it I'm Pope Gregory X. When I was young and still living in Bologna I had a son who was born of an unmarried woman. His name was Giacomo.

Even after I became a priest I was still worldly-minded. However from the second I was named pope all the earthly display that used to catch my fancy had become obsolete. Emperor Maximilian II, the kings of France, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Poland and Italy all sent their representatives to affirm their faith and loyalty to me and the Roman Catholic faith. One of the first things I did as pope was order the Constitution of Pius V, which forbade the alienation of church property.

I appointed a committee of cardinals to find out and abolish all ecclesiastical abuses. I also chose one day in each week for the public where anyone could talk to me. I kept a list of commendable men and noted strengths and weaknesses of them. I chose the best of these men to serve as cardinals. I could not find a better way to try and eliminate Protestantism than training more candidates for holy priesthood in Catholic philosophy and theology. I funded quite a lot of collages and seminaries.

They are about 23 learning institutions which where funded under my direction. In these schools missionaries were trained to attempt to convert countries from Protestant to Catholic. I started a special Congregation of Cardinals for German affairs to safeguard the Catholic religion in Germany. I didn't do very much to restore Protestant countries to Catholic faith, I'll admit.

I spent quite a large amount of money during my time as pope. Over two million send I spent on things that would benefit the Catholic religion. I spent a lot building places of education for priests in training. I also gave large amounts of money to Malta, Austria, England, France, Spain, and the Netherlands.

As a result of my spending the papal treasury was reduced. I decided to act on the advice of the secretary of Camera, Bonfigliuoto. I confiscated various estates and castles if there was an unpaid debt of if the owners weren't the rightful heirs. The result of this was the aristocracy hating the papal government. Violence came out of this and it didn't end until I passed away and was succeeded by Sixtus V. I died on the 10th of April in 1585.