The Snickers Chocolate Bar example essay topic

321 words
The Snickers Bar There it was, sitting on my desk, calling my name. It was saying, 'Eat me, taste my delicious chocolate and my smooth caramel. ' I then picked up. This practically weightless, rigid Snickers bar and I smelled that sweet scent of the sweet chocolate and caramel blend. Those chocolate covered peanuts and caramel were very tempting. Then we were allowed to open the wrapper.

I opened it, careful not to rip the wrapper. The second it was uncovered, the sweet smell got stronger. That chocolate and caramel aroma was now increasing with a glorious smell of roasted peanuts. Oh, how I waited to taste that tempting Snickers bar. The top of the bar itself looked like an ocean wave just before it crashes onto the beach. It was a perfect picture, that you just have to see to feel it.

It felt smooth, yet gooey at the same time. Then I heard those magical words, 'You may now take your first bite. ' I then bit into it and my taste buds went buck wild with enjoyment. On my second bite my mouth started to water. My throat started to get dry and the caramel stuck to my teeth. Then the last, but certainly not least, bite came.

It was the most extraordinary taste. After the last bite, I felt a deep sense of loss, like when my best friend moved away, never to be seen again. My fingers were covered with a thin layer of melted chocolate, so I took care of that the best way I could, I licked them. I then had a huge craving for a tall, ice cold glass of milk. It truly was a small taste of Heaven. So if your "Hungary, Why Wait.

Grab a Snickers Bar".