Their Brothers And Sisters example essay topic

277 words
Today I went to my school to pick up my books. It was a lot of fun. I can not wait until I get to go home for summer break. I love to go home. However, my parents are divorced and really do not like each other very much and therefore, it is kind of hard for me to go home all the time. I really like to spend time with my brother and my dog though.

And, through the whole thing, my mom is still my best friend. I really love my dad too. He is a great guy! I think my grandma and grandpa are going to come to my house next weekend for the celebration of my brother's graduation from dental school. He is a very smart kid. I think I am a lot like him in that respect.

We have a lot of fun together because we think alike and we think on the same level. Not many people can say that about their brothers and sisters. I know for a fact that I would never want to be an only child. That would be too hard.

I like to spend time with my brother. I guess you would have to have really close friends that would take the place of your brother and sisters. You would really need to learn how to share. That is just my though on the whole situation. I really think that you should think about it too. Have a great day and good luck to everyone.