Their Ever Expectant Parents example essay topic

606 words
Dead Poets Society review The Movie Dead Poets Society staring Ethan Hawk, Robin Willams and directed by Peter Weir, is story of young men who have much of their lives decided for them by their ever expectant parents. Whether a doctor or lawyer, most of them have already been told what to become with little respect to their own feelings. While attending on all male private school, they are introduced to a new English Professor that would soon have a major effect on all of their lives. Throughout the movie the teacher played by Robin Willams, shows them how to think for themselves, how to see things in many different ways, and how to be individuals. Through teaching them the importance of poetry and the arts, they became irresistibly enthused, challenging their lives for ever. This was thought provoking and nothing short of a modern day masterpiece.

When first watching this film you must realize the pressure and expectations placed upon each individual. At such a young age these boys have the pressure to succeed as well as if not more than older siblings, and as much as their parents require. Throughout the film, Weir displays the individual struggles that each one is going through. As they learn more and more from their English professor it goes on to show how they start to deal with the situation based on the knowledge he has passed down to them. Whether it's dealing with parents, girls or just life. The film continues to show how the individual cases are dealt with and how well their new insight is working.

This is the point where the characters start to come alive and really begin to enjoy life and all that is around them. The way in which Weir had these sequence of events fall into place in a creative and understanding order was magnificent. By doing so, it is easy to comprehend and get a feel for each character in a complete understanding. Toward the end of the movie one of the boys attending the class was having a problem confronting his father about his decision to become an actor. The father wanted him to have nothing to do with it and forbid him to pursue the issue. After consulting the English professor on what he should do, he told his father he was going to become an actor, only to his disappointment.

The father informed him that he would be moving him to a boarding school and that he was going to be a doctor, but not before he had time to take his own life. This part was essential in the movies understanding. This went to show how passionate Willams' character enabled these boys to become. The unique motto of "Carpe diem", inevitably became the most inspiring message throughout the movie and became words to live by. It, however, had nothing to do with the boys decision to take his own life, but his decision to make his own decisions in life and follow his dreams. The only thing that still stood in his way was his overbearing father and the expectations placed upon him.

Overall this movie was outstanding. Many good life long lessons were taught and entertained at the same time. The charismatic teachers way of teaching the students to live life to the fullest was outstanding and deeply understood. This movie is one that many should take the time to watch and learn at the same time.